New group in formation The Young Guns

WyldemanATX's Avatar
The Young Guns has had its first meeting at perfect 10.

Our rules for joining will transform over time.

Rule # 1 you have to be under 40 years of age.
Rule # 2 you have to be willing to get freebies from anyone.
that means adult entertainers or civies.
Rule # 3 If you have good game you have to help fellow young guns this will also give you a higher rank.
Rule # 4 If you get a freebie from a provider it is not to be shared who gave it to you so that expectations will not be to everyone. you will however receive stud status from the group.

The goal is no white knights and no wusses and to create master pick up artist and give back to men who have been taken advantage of for being the quote "nice guy".

Providers do not take offense we are going to be a group that just does not want to be looked at as ATMs or doormats.

Guys you will not be judge for p4p but you will not get higher rank for it.

If interested in joining let me or Austin Guy know.

Austin Domination is our first priority!

Main Goal is to help others have fun and confidence with the opposite sex!
Whispers's Avatar
I take it that you and Austinguy_08 drank a few too many beers today?

you realize that by forming a Group outside of your allegiance to the Attack Pack I need to take your patch away and remove you from the Luncheon List? Those StripperGals are inexpensive but not Free so I wouldn't want to tempt you into spending any money on them...

Good Luck..... I wish you the Best......

Damn...... I knew that Freebie would eventually ruin you!
What kind of fucking pipe dream is this? You should probably set this group up on Facebook. This is not the venue for it.
WyldemanATX's Avatar
We did have a few beers and we also had a vision.
WyldemanATX's Avatar
Pipe dream that is the sound of a negative person and someone with self doubt and you will not be apart of our elite group!
Guest031411-2's Avatar
What kind of fucking pipe dream is this? You should probably set this group up on Facebook. This is not the venue for it. Originally Posted by saj1000
Why not??
Um because they are openly planning to "get freebies" and scam providers? yeah dude you need a facebook page no room for you here as we already got a resident facebooker.
WyldemanATX's Avatar
Yes why not FB is for people who want fake friends I like real ones. I know guys here like hooking up with women it is a common goal in this forum. Oh ya go fk your mother for me! hahaha
WyldemanATX's Avatar
No dumbass we do not want to scam anyone just have a belief that you can get free ones from strippers and civies. Providers are probably the toughest to crack and do not want to out providers if one happens to give it out like TM did to herself.
Really whats up with calling names???
sixxbach's Avatar
This thread has classic written all over it!
It's ok Rox, I am done here, I refuse to have a battle of wits with an unarmed person, even if they sorely deserve it.
If only I were 5 years younger, lived in Austin, was broke, and had no game.....
WyldemanATX's Avatar
Whispers I have actually taken strippers home free many times. I was never a part of any attack pack although I like hanging with you I just march to my own drum and never have been a follower. I don't know why you would take me off the luncheon list forming our own group has nothing to do with you or against you.
WyldemanATX's Avatar
No name calling just calling out stupid statements. If we had no game would we be getting laid for free! I think not.

This is what pisses me off the most somewhere someone has told guys unless you p4p you have no game. Bull Shit! Bull Shit! My family has many ladies men and they were always honest in there game. Get some balls and learn how to be a man. Be a hunter that is what men are designed to be.