EXIT STRATAGY... Have you thought about it?

Still Looking's Avatar
ECCIE: At one time or another I'm sure most of us have thought to hang it up! So when you leave how are you going to do it? Make a big enouncement? Fade into the sunset? Tell everyone exactly what you think and get out of dodge? Say goodbye and hello over and over... we have a few of those! LOL Or just stop posting and become a lurker?

When I exit the business most likely I'll go out with a big bang LOL and my teeth will be like stars...they'll come out at night LOL
geecue's Avatar
Just an annoucement, maybe let a few know what I think . LOL Say goodbye to all the people that I really like.
Irish exit, no one is gonna miss me.
pyramider's Avatar
Which handle are you referring to? My regular handle? Or my provider handle?
burkalini's Avatar
One day I will be here and the next I won't. Why make a thing of it.
just fade away and keep in touch with those I choose...and like I have done pop in once in a while and post when the urge hits....
wcdann's Avatar
hang up the hobby hummm hell if i stop hobbing I just hope someone posts that I died so my friends on here will know what happened to me
Truth be told...I've been in a bit of a "dry" spell...just not interested lately! It happens to us all. Lo' and behold, perusing found a "honey" visiting and my game is back ON!!!! Yeyar!

I may go through spuirts of "dry" spells, but retire...Shit in the end, I will be gumming/DFKissing a lady. What??? She got comp'd.


Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Muah!

Pink Floyd's Avatar
Never even thought about it. I don't know anybody that I want to tell off. I have enjoyed ECCIE, and I have no burning desire to leave. I have stayed away from a lot of the drama, and I am only here to have fun and meet the ladies. I have made some friends and thrown some parties, and that is what life is about. Eat, Drink & Be Merry!
Never even thought about it. I don't know anybody that I want to tell off. I have enjoyed ECCIE, and I have no burning desire to leave. I have stayed away from a lot of the drama, and I am only here to have fun and meet the ladies. I have made some friends and thrown some parties, and that is what life is about. Eat, Drink & Eat More GOOD Pussy! Originally Posted by FlectiNonFrangi
FNF, please see the correction above! I agree with you, you are right...enjoii
Go out with a bang.
shorty's Avatar
Exit strategy would be have one final explosive O and die happy still inside of her!!
cumalot's Avatar
One day I'll be here and the next day I won't...Hopefully my ATF will notice me gone and post a 'We miss you cumalot, see ya in Hell' thread