the vaccination battle continues

VitaMan's Avatar
More than 100 staff members at Houston Methodist Hospital who were fired after they refused to be vaccinated for COVID-19 appealed a judge’s ruling upholding the hospital’s right to terminate their employment. “We are going to most likely go all the way up to the Supreme Court,” Jennifer Bridges, a registered nurse and the lead plaintiff in the lawsuit filed by 117 former employees of the hospital, told Yahoo News.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Yea. They are firing nurses from hospitals during a pandemic FOR YOUR HEALTH, of course.

Everyone has to get COVID, eventually. Even the vaccinated need to be infected by COVID.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
And in the meantime, no paychecks, and no other hospital will hire them.

And yes, everyone will actually get covid. The only thing the vaccine does is help the body attack it once inside the body. That's all any vaccine does. Which is why folks can actually carry any contagion without showing symptoms, thus wear a mask.
  • oeb11
  • 10-16-2021, 08:12 AM
Cancel culture and setting a precent for the destruction of recogniztion of People as Individuals by teh DPST party.

Medical care should be between a physician and patient

mandates for Wuhan virus - are ridiculous - with natural acquired immunity and those already who have chosen to be vaccinated - we have done what we can.

Further vaccination is about control of teh Peoples by marxist, racist DPST party!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-16-2021, 08:22 AM
And in the meantime, no paychecks, and no other hospital will hire them.

And yes, everyone will actually get covid. The only thing the vaccine does is help the body attack it once inside the body. That's all any vaccine does. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
Don't forget the vaccine keeps the ICU's from getting clogged to hospital staff can attend to other life threatening illnesses.

They didn't get fired imho....they quit.
One of me favourite Australian sayings:

"God surely gave me two eyes - one to watch pretty-birds,
and one to watch the Government."

Another favourite saying is "SUE the Bastards!"

Gonna be A LOT of Lawsuits over these force-outs.

### Salty
  • oeb11
  • 10-16-2021, 09:00 AM
Australia's government has confiscated aussie's weapons - and are now instituting the most severe People Control Measures ever in a formerly free society.

I pray for Australia.
Australia's government has confiscated aussie's weapons - and are now instituting the most severe People Control Measures ever in a formerly free society.

I pray for Australia. Originally Posted by oeb11
... Thanks, mate. But they're giving the
weapons back. And the lockdowns and strife
is surely coming to the end.

Good thing voting goes against tax.
We get a grand selection that way.

Be some new faces soon... To ensure it dont happen again.

#### Salty
rexdutchman's Avatar
BUT ITS FOR YOUR GOOD ,Hmm where have we heard that before

AP Today " Police fighting mandates Hmm, Chicago, LA, San Fran, Denver, NYNY
Your body your choice Hmm ,,,,
ICU 812's Avatar
For anyone in a risk group, the vaccine is a good idea. I am over 70 now and got the shots back in March as soon as I was able to. Two weeks ago I got the booster.

For those with other, underlying health issues, such as diabetes or significant obesity, being vaccinated is also a good idea. There are other conditions that make it a good idea.

Some conditions make getting the shots a bad idea. Consult your doctor.

The younger a person is, the more they should cconsult their family physician before getting vaccinated.

My son and daughter -in-law, both 42, were fully vaccinated and developed Covid anyway. They experienced really bad flue-like symptoms and, having consulted their doctor medicated for the symptoms with over the counter things. Both recovered in about a week.

Their 9 year old daughter (unvaccinated) got it too. She came home from school with a note saying she had been exposed at school. She was sick like she had a cold for two days, but was climbing trees on the third.
****************************** **

Now, should they be required to be vaccinated before returning to work or school? Should these folks who now have better protection against Covid-19 than I do (having had three shots now) have their careers and education threatened by a vaccine mandate?

I may have another twenty years left on my life's expiring warranty. From the life insurance point of view I will soon be "playing with house-money" as they say in Vegas. My kids and grand kids are likely to have a long 50 to 80 years of uncertainty regarding long term side effects. Those younger folks are dealing with a vaccine whose long term effects are just not known.

Follow the science? The "science" is only partly known.
VitaMan's Avatar
Maybe all the electronic waves floating through the air from cellular phones and wireless internet are causing cancer. Should that be shut down until the "science" is known ?
winn dixie's Avatar
Maybe all the electronic waves floating through the air from cellular phones and wireless internet are causing cancer. Should that be shut down until the "science" is known ? Originally Posted by VitaMan
Ethically? Yes!

Smart toasters as well
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
They didn't get fired imho....they quit. Originally Posted by WTF
They were unnecessarily forced to take a vaccine, and then they were fired.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Maybe all the electronic waves floating through the air from cellular phones and wireless internet are causing cancer. Should that be shut down until the "science" is known ? Originally Posted by VitaMan
Shutting down vaccine mandates is nothing like shutting down wireless cellphone towers. What on Earth are you talking about?

Those who refuse the cellphone shall be FIRED!!

When did authoritarianism become cool?

O wait, it's not.
ICU 812's Avatar
The "Science" says that natural antibodies from having survived Covid-19 is more protective than being dosed with Vaccine. In my example the sick adults had both shots.

In the old days (2017 or so) the CDC defined a vaccine as a treatment that immunized one against a disease. The definition of a vaccine has been changed by the CDC to mean only something that reduces the severity of an infection. So what we are getting now is not actually a vaccine as we used to understand it.

With that said: It is not :"science" to require a naturally immune Covid survivor to be vaccinated against their wishes.