"Scared to Death" Speech

HedonistForever's Avatar
Just heard Peter Doocy ask Biden if he considered "all" Republicans a threat to democracy and Biden said and I quote "I don't consider "any" Republican a threat to democracy".

So there is the President you are all cheering for speaking the truth, only to walk it all back in less than a day. At least Biden is now walking back the things he said instead of his mouthpieces.
... Biden prolly can't even remember what he said...

#### Salty
winn dixie's Avatar
... Biden prolly can't even remember what he said...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
He didnt get the memo from the u n on what to say.
Speech was fear mongering 101
  • Tiny
  • 09-02-2022, 05:52 PM
Just heard Peter Doocy ask Biden if he considered "all" Republicans a threat to democracy and Biden said and I quote "I don't consider "any" Republican a threat to democracy".

So there is the President you are all cheering for speaking the truth, only to walk it all back in less than a day. At least Biden is now walking back the things he said instead of his mouthpieces. Originally Posted by HedonistForever

Good to see him occasionally escape the leash his progressive advisors are using to try to lead him around. Now if he'd just put that bipartisanship into action in fashioning legislation.
bambino's Avatar
Just heard Peter Doocy ask Biden if he considered "all" Republicans a threat to democracy and Biden said and I quote "I don't consider "any" Republican a threat to democracy".

So there is the President you are all cheering for speaking the truth, only to walk it all back in less than a day. At least Biden is now walking back the things he said instead of his mouthpieces. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Joey Bribes doesn’t remember what he says. He can’t walk anything back because he can barely walk.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Good to see him occasionally escape the leash his progressive advisors are using to try to lead him around. Now if he'd just put that bipartisanship into action in fashioning legislation. Originally Posted by Tiny

One way to look at it. What I think is that he actually doesn't remember what he said. It's the only conclusion I can come to. What I wonder is if those "advisors" scolded him after he made that remark.

It's clear as day that the Democrats have decided their "platform" for the midterms. Nothing on how to bring down inflation, nothing on how to bring down crime, nothing on the indoctrination of the children instead of old fashioned teaching, Just "Ultra"( the biggest word they could find ) MAGA Republicans who they can't seem to define. One minute it's ALL Republicans that voted for Trump, then it's "some" Republicans that voted for Trump, then only those that tried to overthrow the government which was what, 800 people out of 74 million that voted for Trump?

But hey, when you can't defend what you have done, you blame the other party. Nothing new in that.

Hell, I just heard that Democrats are now blaming the poor, sorry, dismal education scores, a product of being kept out of the classroom, on Republicans who for the most part wanted kids in school not on Zoom. And how did the Democrats explain their stance? Trump bungled the roll out of the vaccine they say which of course is the exact opposite of what happened, just ask Tiny, one the more sane voices on this board, though I don't agree with every conclusion on Covid that he seems to.

So Democrats are in full lie mode like they railed against Trump for supposedly doing the same thing. So here we are, both political parties being accused of lying to the people. We now hear the Democrats are pulling out the old tired, "Republicans want to take away social security and Medicare" which has been in their play book for how many decades now?

Will keeping Democrats in power bring down inflation? Hell, not even Barrack Obama's domestic advisers believe that. Will Democrats bring down crime? How could they when they support returning violent criminals to the streets in some cases with the gun they had on them at the time of arrest.

Will Democrats likely raise education test scores in math, science and reading by taking the children on a field trip to a drag show where they can see what Democrats propose as being good for the country?

I can't find the quote I heard yesterday from some prominent Democrat who bragged that he took his "step-children" to a drag show which is the way Democrats propose to make this "normal" FOR CHILDREN!

So by all means, if you want more inflation due to more spending, more crime due to Democrats being unable to come to terms that it is their constituents committing the majority of violent crime not MAGA Republicans, vote Democrat and watch the America you wanted for your children, slipping away.

And that Republican "dictatorship" you guys are all worried about that was shut down by every court in the land? We just found the evidence in e-mails between the White House and social media platforms where the Biden administration colluded with Big Tech, to censor speech which the Constitution forbids them to do. "White House to Facebook, I see something posted that we don't approve of". "Facebook, we'll take that down immediately".

That my friends is a clear violation of the Constitution and I don't care whether a Democrat or a Republican does it, it's wrong and you know it or should know it but if it means your party winning, hey, no big deal and that's left and right.

I don't see us surviving this.
  • Tiny
  • 09-02-2022, 07:17 PM
Trump bungled the roll out of the vaccine they say which of course is the exact opposite of what happened, just ask Tiny, one the more sane voices on this board, though I don't agree with every conclusion on Covid that he seems to. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
One of the greatest legacies of President Trump was Operation Warp Speed (OWS). I don't believe Biden or Hillary Clinton would have gotten approval through the FDA so fast. Big Pharma and OWS saved many lives, and also saved many people from long COVID and permanent disabilities.

And good news! Soon boosters that target the newest Omicron variants will be available in drug stores! I'll be getting one along with my annual flu shot.

Apologies to Salty for deviating from the topic at hand, but the urge to spread the word about the new boosters is irresistible.
... Apology Accepted, mate.

I believe the vaxx prolly saved many lives.
And made the bad Co-Vid cases LESS severe.

... I just don't believe that people should have
been forced to get vaxxed.

#### Salty
THIS thread is about Joe's speech. Originally Posted by Salty Again

For the second time Biden calls for his own firing

Jan 20 2021 Swearing in ceremony for staff Biden " If you ever talk down to someone I will fire you on the spot Everyone deserves to be treated with dignity and respect That was missing from the last administration "

October 22 2020 Biden tweet "220,000 deaths Anyone responsible for that many deaths should not remain President of he United States"

Covid deaths since Biden took office 700,000 +
Jacuzzme's Avatar
I’m trying to figure out who thought it was a good idea to give an Ingsoc hate speech on Mussolini’s podium. Someone is definitely gonna get fired.
HedonistForever's Avatar
I’m trying to figure out who thought it was a good idea to give an Ingsoc hate speech on Mussolini’s podium. Someone is definitely gonna get fired. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme

Shittt! With this group, they will get a promotion and raise! They actually think this was a great speech, I'll refer you to 1bm1's comments.

And more proof, if needed, one of the over 50 so called Intelligence experts that said Hunter's laptop was Russian propaganda, just got a promotion in the Biden administration. I guess when he is called before the House Judiciary Committee come Jan. 2024, he'll admit he lied but for a good cause, to cover Joe Biden and he just got rewarded for doing so.

I have no problem saying that Trump held the "divisiveness crown" but Biden just took it away and is now the most divisive President in modern history labeling half the country as persons that should be eliminated.
HedonistForever's Avatar
For the second time Biden calls for his own firing

Jan 20 2021 Swearing in ceremony for staff Biden " If you ever talk down to someone I will fire you on the spot Everyone deserves to be treated with dignity and respect That was missing from the last administration "

October 22 2020 Biden tweet "220,000 deaths Anyone responsible for that many deaths should not remain President of he United States"

Covid deaths since Biden took office 700,000 + Originally Posted by LayingPipe

Excellent observation of FACTS.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
At your suggestion, I read his comments. You gotta love this doozy.

Originally Posted by 1blackman1
So Tiny, do you honestly believe that the republicans that continue to try to overturn the election, keep yelling for violence and are acting to subvert our elections are such a small number than they should be ignored. And do you honestly believe that making a reasoned argument to them will make them see the light?
That sentiment comes from the same people who brought you years of election denial and investigations that Trump cheated by colluding with Russia, which we all now know was complete horseshit.
HedonistForever's Avatar
But "pigs in a blanket, fry'em like beacon" from BLM and their supporters like Kamala Harris, wasn't a call for violence, right?

"What do we want, dead cops, when do we want it, now" Also not a call for violence?

It was said back then by the supporters of such rhetoric, that it was only a small number of people propagating that message.

I would make the case that if that were true, then accepting that the small number of Republicans calling for violence would be the same and Biden when pushed admitted that not all Republicans or even all that voted for Trump, are calling for violence. So what is that number so we can all decide if it is small or not.

And the rage against Supreme Court Justices by Democrats that led a man to try and Kill Kavanaugh, was not Democrats calling for violence?

Both sides have violent people. Why don't we just admit that and move on.