Summertime in the 'Burg . . .

LoveXO.Tara's Avatar

Coming from California I thought I knew what "hot" was . . . This is my first official full summer in Mississippi & Jeezlaweez ! This is a level of heat that I was not prepared for . Short shorts, crop tops, & sun dresses before I fall the hell out

*** Hunts for a cool Popsicle
JustaGuyinMS's Avatar
Humidity, ain't it great? NOT! The temperatures in MS really aren't that bad, it's the "feels like" temp that's caused by the humidity that is unbearable. I experienced more 100 degree days in DC in one month than ever in MS. Course, I lived on the Coast.

Dear lady, I hate to tell you this but this summer hasn't been bad so far. Drink PLENTY of water along with some gatorade/powerade. And when you are outside, wrap a damp, cool towel on your neck.
LoveXO.Tara's Avatar
Outside ? I try to avoid that place
LoveXO.Tara's Avatar
Humidity, ain't it great? NOT! The temperatures in MS really aren't that bad, it's the "feels like" temp that's caused by the humidity that is unbearable. I experienced more 100 degree days in DC in one month than ever in MS. Course, I lived on the Coast.

JaG Originally Posted by JustaGuyinMS

This weather in the burg has me wanting to head back to the coast ! I was down for the 4th the past weekend .
Like RL said.. this aint half as bad as usual.. it is pretty hot though. I have leather seats in my car and I swear I can hear my ass sizzle when I sit down.. its a problem. Lol.
I've heard about your sizzling ass Sophia and it had nothing to do with summer.
coast_encounter's Avatar
I was in Las Vegas a few weeks ago and it was 114-117 and I really did not even sweat much and I was wearing a suit most of the time. I guess I was a little but it was evaporating before I felt it. I come back to the Coast and it was like 85 degrees and I was sweating like a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs. The Humidity is a killer.
barrythawne's Avatar
Yep! It's just now starting to get hot. I've just accepted it and the fact that I'm just going to sweat like crazy when I step outside for the next few months.

Sophia ... Don't you dare sizzle that ass off! I'm bringing you seat covers to protect it.
Justsumguy13's Avatar
I have lived my whole life in the south, most near the coast, and would say that you get use to it,. But you don't. Drink lots of water.
I was traveling out west and it was up above 115 in some places. It was hot but didn't bother me that much. I also knew to drink plenty of water. But I was never sweaty and sticky like I am here in South Mississippi. It's like you constantly need a shower here. When driving out west, I could open the sunroof. But here in the summer time just makes me feel real sticky
Hahaha.. well come see me then Barry.. its been a while!
barrythawne's Avatar
Yes it has Sophia. I'll be in touch soon.