The Need For a New Amendment

BigLouie's Avatar
The Dems should get George Sorros behind that amendment right away!!
The Dems should get George Sorros behind that amendment right away!! Originally Posted by GymRat
They could call it the Sorros amendment
It’s kind of funny that someone would post something like this when Sorros so quickly comes to mind. Followed closely by labor unions.
joe bloe's Avatar
Bernie Sanders is a self described socialist. I can only assume that the policies he advocates are intended to advance socialism.

There are probably just as many billionaire Democrats as billionaire Republicans. Contributions from the super rich offset each other. My guess is, that if you take away the ability of the super rich to make big contributions to political campaigns, it would probably hurt the Democrats more than the Republicans. Be careful what you wish for.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I cant wait till I am rich enough to be a liberal.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
have you ever notice that the rich Republicans made their own money while the rich donkeys inherited it or you are a movie star
have you ever notice that the rich Republicans made their own money while the rich donkeys inherited it or you are a movie star Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
Ha Ha Ha Ha The Cock Brothers were lucky their German born Nazi Dad founded Koch Industries. The bigoted fucker also co-founded the John Birch Society that thought Republican President and War Hero, Dwight D. Eisenhower was too far left to be anything but a Communist! They are made out of Nazi feces and seem to be perfect allies for the wingnuts!

You're on a roll, tonight, Cap't!


CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Stevie, please support you contention that the Koch's are linked to Nazism.
You disgust me, COF! You post worthless unsubstantiated drivel like a mongrel peeing on fire hydrants yet are too lazy to Google The Fascist Right Wing John Birch Society. Go look up their history. Can you not look up their father, his ties to Nazi Germany and his co-founding of the John Birch Society on your own?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You brought it up. You prove it. It's simple, really.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Ha Ha Ha Ha The Cock Brothers were lucky their German born Nazi Dad founded Koch Industries. The bigoted fucker also co-founded the John Birch Society that thought Republican President and War Hero, Dwight D. Eisenhower was too far left to be anything but a Communist! They are made out of Nazi feces and seem to be perfect allies for the wingnuts!

You're on a roll, tonight, Cap't!


Originally Posted by Little Stevie
its not pronounced as cock, but as coke.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Those really are flecks of foam coming from Stevie's mouth. I hope animal control doesn't catch him.

If we are going to make the Nazi connection then start with George Soros who as a teenager betrayed Jews to the Gestapo (those are the bad guys Stevie that always were black and ask for your papers) for money.

Or how about the sainted Ted Kennedy who's father Joe Senior did business with Hitler, thought he had the right ideas about the Jews, and had to be removed from the Court of St. James because he sympathized with the Nazis?

Then again Billy Carter, brother of Jimmy, did business with Khaddafi and had to be registered as an agent of Libya.

We also have Hillary Clinton two years ago saying Assad of Syria was a reasonable guy, who was a stablizing factor, and a good friend of the US.

People who live in glass houses Stevie.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
And Joe Kennedy was a criminal. Which goes to show you like father like son.
This can only lead us to nod knowingly what Lil Stevie's father was like.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Those really are flecks of foam coming from Stevie's mouth. I hope animal control doesn't catch him.

If we are going to make the Nazi connection then start with George Soros who as a teenager betrayed Jews to the Gestapo (those are the bad guys Stevie that always were black and ask for your papers) for money.

Or how about the sainted Ted Kennedy who's father Joe Senior did business with Hitler, thought he had the right ideas about the Jews, and had to be removed from the Court of St. James because he sympathized with the Nazis?

Then again Billy Carter, brother of Jimmy, did business with Khaddafi and had to be registered as an agent of Libya.

We also have Hillary Clinton two years ago saying Assad of Syria was a reasonable guy, who was a stablizing factor, and a good friend of the US.

People who live in glass houses Stevie. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
+1 - Little Stevie will never learn.