Encounter: Mia Milian AKA SashaGreen (Bad Attitude)

Date: July 2018
Name: Mia Milian AKA SashaGreen
Phone: 469-502-3239
Email Address: -
URL / Website: -
City: Austin
State: Texas
Address: North Austin
Activities: CBJ, CHJ, MSOG, MISH, CG, K9, etc
Hair Length and Color: Brown hair to butt
Age: 21
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: White/Caucasian
Physical Description: Nice D boobs. Saggy but soft. Tattoo on hip. Very pretty and is the same person from the pictures.
Recommendation: No
Thank you for warning.. nice to have honest reviews
RZ's Avatar
  • RZ
  • 07-11-2018, 02:07 PM
same results on OH2 except someone who just happened to have a brand new profile gave her a positive review.... go figure right?
Wow, she's racking up the No's. Damn shame.
Providing scam of BBBJ and so called "full menu" should put her on blacklist of Austin providers.
DocHolyday's Avatar
Thanks for the effort here Bro.

+1 Texican
Told me she had a full menu and delivered! Wish she was in Austin more.
Vandalay's Avatar
I saw her also, and yes she told me she was gfe and bbbj and didn't provide either. Anyone have a link to her and I'll write a review.
Biggoron's Avatar
Told me she had a full menu and delivered! Wish she was in Austin more. Originally Posted by Johnnyspeed

This feels real.
If it was me I would have got up dressed took my donation and walked.
I saw her also, and yes she told me she was gfe and bbbj and didn't provide either. Anyone have a link to her and I'll write a review. Originally Posted by Vandalay
She doesnt have a profile or link because she is only 20.
I'm almost positive she use to be NQBS and also provided grk. Guess this has changed? What a shame those are the only real reasons I wanted to see her.
When she first popped up when she was 18 or 19 she had a couple really great gfe reviews, then went silent for a while, then showed back up to mostly negative comments. A shame since she looks so hot in the pics. I"m guessing a few bad experiences from her side made it less "glamorous" than she thought at first and maybe she tried to leave, but needed the cash so came back with bad attitude. But that's just a guess.