Info on this one?

So I’ve seen this one twice now.

Will post encounter report soon. Curious if anyone here is familiar with her. I usually post on either really good, or really bad encounters, but not the meh ones.

I’m on the fence with this one. Her looks (body and face) make my heart pound and cause me some serious dopamine rush. Her IOP is less than ideal. Some potential red flags that I’ve overlooked this far just outta her extreme beauty. Anyone else seen her?

Yes or no recommendation? I’m just not sure which way to go. I’ve not seen any other posts about her yet
CryptKicker's Avatar
You should post your recommendation on the review based on your experience, not on whether anyone else has had a good or bad experience. Things can be different from visit to visit and from monger to monger.
always have and always will
Her ads are a turn off.
Her ads are a turn off. Originally Posted by TheHolySong
To be honest, so is her personality.

I’m not sure if she’s just a shy introvert, or just can’t wait to get rid of you so she can put that cash to immediate use. I highly suspect the latter.
Are you going to do an encounter report on her?
indeed, I’ll get to it this weekend