Harris flip flops on busing!

bambino's Avatar
She basically supports the same thing Biden did in the 80’s! What a douche bag.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Another douche bag who would beat Trump’s fat ass.

Shit, it looks like any douche bag would beat Trump.


Another great post, Bambino.
bambino's Avatar
Another douche bag who would beat Trump’s fat ass.

Shit, it looks like any douche bag would beat Trump.


Another great post, Bambino. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
As usual, you completely missed the point. This has nothing to do with Trump but Harris’s hypocrisy. But the damage was done to Biden. How’s Harris doing in the fund raising department? You can shove the polls. You obviously didn’t learn anything from 2016. No suprise. Come back when you have something intelligent to post. Which would mean never.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Why else would you post about a Democratic candidate, bambino?

With you it’s ALL about defending the crooked dictator wannabe.

I didn’t miss the point at all.
LexusLover's Avatar
....it’s ALL about defending the crooked dictator wannabe. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Is HillariousNoMore running (her mouth) again?

Give it up, YR. Concentrate on Thong Removal techniques.
lustylad's Avatar
Why else would you post about a Democratic candidate, bambino?

With you it’s ALL about defending the crooked dictator wannabe.

I didn’t miss the point at all. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Maybe we should make this all about YOUR hypocrisy?

You constantly scream "off topic" and "hijack" when someone points out your double standards.

Yet here you are hijacking a thread right out of the gate without even a smidgen of relevance to the OP!

Besides thong removal, you need more training in self-awareness!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Nope. I posted on topic. It was about Kamala Harris. Your butt buddy (that’s your term not mine) called her a douche bag.

I responded to that attack.

You’re the one off topic.

Hi, Jack!
lustylad's Avatar
Nope. I posted on topic. It was about Kamala Harris. Your butt buddy (that’s your term not mine) called her a douche bag.

I responded to that attack... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Nope. An on topic response would have referenced her busing flip-flop and explained why (in your never humble opinion) it did/did not make her look like a douche bag.

Start a new thread if you want to talk about which douche bag may be leading in the latest polls.
If you two can stop the ' I know you are but what am I ' level of discourse for a minute and get back on topic :

After an initial boost from the debates it looks like KHs lack of a definite stand on various issues is catching up with her. She's grasping at ideas that have already been disproven.

Biden has been in the game for awhile and understands the ebb and flow of the game.

However, he's a bit past his fresh by date.
Stay tuned kiddies.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Agreed. Biden and Sanders are both last their prime.

Both, however, know how to get things done in Congress.

The country needs leadership.

Policy positions are a moving target in today’s Washington.
LexusLover's Avatar
I She's grasping at ideas that have already been disproven. Originally Posted by Joey_Gleet
You mean that she can suck her way into the White House?

I'd say that was cleared up in 2016 ....

I B Hankering's Avatar
LexusLover's Avatar
YR ...

Don't get bewildered. That's what she looks like AFTER the thong comes off!
Hotrod511's Avatar
Why else would you post about a Democratic candidate, bambino?

With you it’s ALL about defending the crooked dictator wannabe.

I didn’t miss the point at all. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
LexusLover's Avatar
Originally Posted by Hotrod511
His historical suffering has been based on the failure of ACA to provide him (and his family) with free health care coverage and the demise of HillariousNorMore from the Obaminable Camp that might have provided him an opportunity for more grant money to pay the premiums from a private insurer to assure continued coverage. In other words: more free stuff!!!

So naturally he would be disgruntled about deplorables & Trump, who want jobs so people can earn their health care benefits and pay any premiums or copays required to maintain it. The frustration of being unable to remove a thong off a rub girl has exasperated HIS existing anxiety.