Georgia Election Problems - Continued...

... The BEST in GA Election NEWS - right here:

... Yes, 'Sapper - that WAS the link that I mentioned.
That shows that Georgia has (at least) 20,000
Unsubstantiated votes... From tabulations that DIDN'T EXIST!

Which is, of course, WHY Fulton County won't turn over
the ballots for inspection. ...

The secret's OUT! ...

No doubt when Next Year's Investigation is completed
- heads are surely gonna roll ....

#### Salty
ICU 812's Avatar
As Carl Sagen often said, "Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.". He was of course talking of UFGOs and space aliens.

Not exactly a thought parallel to the GA trial, but close enough for me. I have long thought that the 2020 election, while not stolen outright, had ballot counts skewed by "irregularities". That is all in the past for me and most Republicans . . .but apparently not so far in th past for the progressive liberals.

And so, now some of the "THERE IS NO EVIDENCE OF ELECTION FRAUD!" statements from the left may come back as actually fraudulent. Rush Limbaugh, immortal in memory, often asserted that what the leftists accuse conservatives of doing is exactly what they, themselves, are doing.

Perhaps this is a case of exactly that, soon to be exposed as fact.
... The Government leaders KNOW what happened in Georgia, mate.
They did their best to hide it - but it's coming out, more and more
every odd-day. Even problems with the Dominion voting machines.

A LOT of that surely going on these days...

#### Salty
ICU 812's Avatar
I think hat this election tje results will be biased due o untold and untraceable thousands of illegal immigrants voting fraudulently. In many states, registering to vote is almost an accident it is so loose.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
... The BEST in GA Election NEWS - right here:

... Yes, 'Sapper - that WAS the link that I mentioned.
That shows that Georgia has (at least) 20,000
Unsubstantiated votes... From tabulations that DIDN'T EXIST!

Which is, of course, WHY Fulton County won't turn over
the ballots for inspection. ...

The secret's OUT! ...

No doubt when Next Year's Investigation is completed
- heads are surely gonna roll ....

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Would you please supply 2 links -- one about the 20,000 unsubstantiated votes and one about a 2025 investigation of the 2020 investigation.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I think hat this election tje results will be biased due o untold and untraceable thousands of illegal immigrants voting fraudulently. In many states, registering to vote is almost an accident it is so loose. Originally Posted by ICU 812
Got any proof to support your allegation that thousands of illegal immigrants voted fraudulently in the 2020 election? Didn't think so.
VitaMan's Avatar
A second thread on this had to be started because.........there is still no evidence ?

No secrets seem to be out either. Unless you are referring to Aliens that are walking among us, and using that to justify this thread.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
... The Government leaders KNOW what happened in Georgia, mate.
They did their best to hide it - but it's coming out, more and more
every odd-day. Even problems with the Dominion voting machines.

A LOT of that surely going on these days...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Yet another "just wait" post from Salty.
A second thread on this had to be started because.........there is still no evidence ?

No secrets seem to be out either. Unless you are referring to Aliens that are walking among us, and using that to justify this thread. Originally Posted by VitaMan
... Is THIS a thread hijack - or are you trying to get
this thread closed??

... Let the Georgia Board of Elections do its work.
And give Mr. Raffensperger time to clean-out his desk.

#### Salty
VitaMan's Avatar
You mentioned the secret is out. I said there doesn't seem to be a secret that is out.

You talked about a investigation ongoing till next year. I mentioned there is still no evidence.

Does that answer your 2 questions ?
You mentioned the secret is out. I said there doesn't seem to be a secret that is out.

You talked about a investigation ongoing till next year. I mentioned there is still no evidence.

Does that answer your 2 questions ? Originally Posted by VitaMan
Shhh. It's such a secret that no one except salty knows about it. It's a pirate thing.
... It was a big secret with those running the Fulton County
elections... FAKE tabulations and vote counts.

But not a secret any more.... ...
... Just wait!

#### Salty
VitaMan's Avatar
But you tell everyone they have to wait till next year to see any evidence.

And even if there are some errors, they will make no difference to the overall outcome.

Plus the election of 2024 will already be completed,,,,making this a useless thread, as no one will care about 2020 any longer.
... Oh No - won't be a "useless thread" at all, Vita.
Because NOW we're no longer dealing with Errors - or "Errors"...

We're dealing with blatant Corruption... Additions of FAKE
vote tabulations and Phantom machines.

And ALL will be Investigated...

And why? - For Truth, Justice and the American Way! ...

#### Salty
... It was a big secret with those running the Fulton County
elections... FAKE tabulations and vote counts.

But not a secret any more.... ...
... Just wait!

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again