
sue_nami's Avatar
do think the elections were fair and free of fraud?
ffireman's Avatar
sorry but as a federal employee I think its time for me to move on after last nights crap shoot. they (congress) is going to cut us so hard we wil not be able to live

my 5 cents worth
Loxly's Avatar
  • Loxly
  • 11-05-2014, 09:21 AM
In Texas... yes.
Centaur's Avatar
I'm a huge fan of the late Rev. Hicks, but...

Free ≠ Entitled

You can't survive inside civilization without money because you need the labors of others. They aren't slaves; they get paid. Your freedom doesn't trump their freedom. (Meant generically, not directed at you personally.)

But in elections, you don't reach higher office without money and party backing. I vote, but I always vote for the lesser of evils because, no matter the personal convictions of the candidate, he or she owes allegiance to a party, and both parties are populist messes pandering to the lowest common denominator, lying to the public and siphoning off the pork.
illuminati's Avatar
I got on twitter last night to get up-to-the-minute updates on results. I couldn't believe people were vicious towards candidates opposite their political party affiliation. I can't remember how many times the female gubernatorial candidate was called a 'cunt,' 'baby killer,' or femanazi because she is a democrat. Just because you don't agree with her politics doesn't give you the right to call her such names in a public forum. What made it worse was actually responding intelligently to one of them and then getting attacked by 7 - or 8 other assholes. Gotta love Texans...
nuglet's Avatar
it's a shame, but it ain't just Texans.. and now, the vote is over, and if everyone voted, they have no right to bitch or whine, just grab a shovel and help get the job done with the one that was elected.. Or move outta the country..