Do you like pasties on Stripper boobs"

pickupkid's Avatar
a. yes

c. don't care
shorty's Avatar
No but Hell No!! I won't go to a SC that makes the ladies wear pasties.
cumalot's Avatar
Pasties should be banned everywhere...
  • MrGiz
  • 02-28-2012, 10:20 PM
Who would? * Who does? * Why would they? *
darter's Avatar
Damn PUK, You are really reaching now. Do you think anyone is gonna say yes? You don't need post an asinine question just because you haven't asked it before or put up a stupid poll in the last 5 minutes!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
ok i'm clueless. what are pasties?
Pasties are you usually small pieces of material with adhesive that just cover the nipple or a very small area plus the nipple.
Great poll question!?! I was thinking of starting a poll myself - Would you like a sharp stick in your eye?? Yes or No??
Sweet N Little's Avatar
The rule is ..if you ever complain about a thread/poll, you have to start one lol

If Rhianna wore them they must be ok

@ Eds
about those pics are the pasties.
The rule is ..if you ever complain about a thread/poll, you have to start one lol

If Rhianna wore them they must be ok

@ Eds Originally Posted by Sweet N Little
hmmm.... i like pasties. they're cute and fashionable
Its all about the nipples...Love to see the headlights on !!
What is the point in going to a strip club if you dont get to see the whole boob. Besides pasties get in the way.
Tetas's Avatar
  • Tetas
  • 02-29-2012, 07:38 AM
Besides pasties get in the way. Originally Posted by MasterBaiter1996
Taste terrible too!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
What is the point in going to a strip club if you dont get to see the whole boob. Besides pasties get in the way. Originally Posted by MasterBaiter1996
damn town regulations!!!!