
bambino's Avatar
  • oeb11
  • 03-25-2020, 04:23 PM
Millennials that vote Fascist DPST- if they bother to go to the Polling places.

Tis Ok - Pelosi wants to legalize ballot harvesting - as is legal in kalifornia - so the Party will vote for them and spare them the inconvenience.
gfejunkie's Avatar

HoeHummer's Avatar
I suspect that Turdsy, Oebsy and Pedsy are on their way to the beach to test their theory that the curve has been flattened.

Yous are just pissed because all the fat kids aren’t on the beach, so yous can’t pose as a beached whale.

Originally Posted by HoeHummer

ASSWIPE yous being triggered and locked down in your cave, no wonder you can even buy any pussy. I see yous watch a video of yous man bitten and can't figure out what he's saying either. Yous sure have let yous self go...but to where??

Nice gopro video of yous self ASSWIPE it sure does capture the real you!!
bambino's Avatar
I suspect that Turdsy, Oebsy and Pedsy are on their way to the beach to test their theory that the curve has been flattened.

Yous are just pissed because all the fat kids aren’t on the beach, so yous can’t pose as a beached whale.

Originally Posted by HoeHummer
YOUS were born an idiot PIGSY.
BlisswithKriss's Avatar Originally Posted by bambino
Well together with you and your boyfriend Oeb11

I certainly appreciate your sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity,

But is there any chance that you could shock folks like me BamBimbo

And say something intelligent for a change.

Is that too much to ask ? LOL
bambino's Avatar
^^ CUNT ^^
Hotrod511's Avatar
Hummerhoe and blisterlips