Vaginal discharge

After a session of DATY yesterday I noticed a white discharge coming from her pussy. It was maybe a quarter inch Dab that looked like white toothpaste almost. This was after a convulsing orgasm. She says it's normal part of her cycle and the doctor said it was natural. Ladies, is this natural? Should I be concerned?
GypsyHeart's Avatar
Google it honey! No bad smells right?
Going to the gyno for a clear non smelly/itchy vaginal discharge is like going to the ER for a 100 fever.
Its common. Unless there is a smell or its too present before you start.
Thanks. There was no foul-smell. It wasn't there when we started, showed up after her orgasm. We had a great time and I was hoping to return for more, I'm happy it if it is nothing.
Yep. Different parts of the cycle bring different discharges with different colors and consistencies.

As long as it didnt smell fishy or like she was baking bread up in there, it's all good.
RoxanneReynolds's Avatar
My cum is creamy too.....
pyramider's Avatar
I thought vaginal discharge is what women call their demon spawns.
Isn't that what it's called when she gives you a price break??
daty/o's Avatar
Didn't taste like pineapple, did it?
gimme_that's Avatar
Still Looking's Avatar
It's when a lady leaves the military... NO?