Well, I belive it has been said that beauty is in the eye of the beholder... and I do belive that statement to be true. I am often questioned about my tattoos, but have not been turned away because of them yet... there's always a first though, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and tattoos are like everything else... there are those that love them and those that don't. I don't really feel as though they are a big deal either way when it comes to most men's requirements regaurding their choice of providers. It appears to be a secondary issue, if that, to them. As Always.... Bad-Barbie (The one you love to hate.)
i love their style!!!
i think im the total opposite
if i could pull it off...im sure i would be all tatted! lol
(just 2 here...has ne1 actually noticed i have 2 lol)
I can stand the occaisional tattoo. My big turn-off is the breast tattoo. Why ruin a perfectly good set of orbs with ink. They are wonderful in their natural state. Other than implants and the occaisional piercing, anything else just detracts from them.
If I have narrowed down providers I am seeking and there are 2-3 that equally interest me, the one with fewer (or none) will move to the top of the list. I use it like a playoff tiebreaker...