Is it acceptable for ladies to not place or insure condom changes in changing holes or partners? Can guys be trusted to insure the ladies safety is always in mind?

Whispers's Avatar
In the much talked about Orgy here in San Antonio that took place a week ago 3 ladies made all holes available to 7 swinging dicks.

It is getting a lot of talk with multiple threads as well as multiple reviews.

I asked the following question and received the following answer in a CoEd thread where the professionalism of the ladies was being applauded.

What was done to insure that Condoms were changed in between activities?

Reading the reviews describes a plethora of activities with the ladies constantly in play with either a guy, multiple guys or another lady.

What was done to insure that a cock did not leave one girls ass and in the heat of the moment get thrust into the vacant puss of another lady? Originally Posted by Whispers

What was done Whispers is each participant being mindful of the others. Everyone was VERY careful and nothing inappropriate happened. We were all watching out for each other. Originally Posted by sandy

It was applauded of course by another member

Good answer Sandy and adequate precautions.

Dogg Originally Posted by Doglegg

Not all the guys new all the ladies nor the ladies all the guys and screening seems to have been handled by the one lady.

1) Slave Guinevere worked to put the event together. She screened the guys, and (I assume vetted the other two women based on their willingness/eagerness to participate. SG's judgements were outstanding. The women combined skill, stamina, and lustfulness (and this account is so clinical; whereas the experience itself was purely carnal) to a sublime degree. Originally Posted by Willen

For those that do not know, my review count on ECCIE is by no means reflective of my experiences in the Hobby. I had over 500+ reviews before I pretty much quit reviewing on ASPD before the Migration. I have participated in a lot of 3 somes over the years but never an Orgy. 3 somes tend to become a flurry of activity and there are times when the ladies are involved with each other. There is enough publicly posted to summarize that this orgy was no different including the following.

4) the ratio of women to men was sufficient. This probably seems sexist, but it isn't intended to be. A couple of guys--veterans of previous group scenes--worried whether 3 women could provide for 7 guys. [Note: it was originally going to be 6 guys; a seventh was added late in the game.] We need not have worried--all guys went away satisfied. But my impression is that the three women were nearly exhausted.

Originally Posted by Willen
We all manage risk in dealing with our preferred hobby and activities.

I have been, what others would consider, a very regular and trusted client of a lot ladies as well as agencies over the years.

It is incredibly easy to get caught up in these activities with more than 2 people involved. In only a couple of rare instances was I not stopped and a condom changed by the provider I was with when changing ladies or holes.
Personally in evaluating risk I rule out ladies that participate in anything more than a 3some and try to never do a 3some unless I have seen each lady one on one first.

The risk is the primary motivator for me to rule ladies like these out. But considering I prefer a more GFE session, Orgy Girls and even PSE tends to be an image I don’t like having pop into my head.


1) It has been presented by a member that was present and experienced with orgies that this was a properly run event with no concerns

a. Is it acceptable that one lady handles all the screening ?

b. Is it acceptable that the guys are left to their own scrutiny to insure they change condoms in between ladies and holes?

2) For those with experience in the Orgy scene, is this the “norm”?

1) It has been presented by a member that was present and experienced with orgies that this was a properly run event with no concerns

a. Is it acceptable that one lady handles all the screening ?

b. Is it acceptable that the guys are left to their own scrutiny to insure they change condoms in between ladies and holes?

2) For those with experience in the Orgy scene, is this the “norm”?

1)a. Yes, provided that said lady does an exemplary job of screening (has seen one or more of the gentlemen personally, has contacted multiple references, etc.)

1)b. Yes, provided that the guys are well-screened, respectable, intelligent, and considerate, AND there are nine sets of additional eyes present that can potentially catch mistakes, be they intentional or inadvertent. Having attended this well-organized, carefully-planned, and very awesome event myself, I can tell you that there were many times when I was simply enjoying the view of the activities in the room, and that if I had seen something questionable (e.g., a gentlemen attempting to unsafely transition holes), I certainly would have said something. I can only assume, after having met the other men, that they would have as well. Getting seven such gentlemen in a room, however, requires proper screening. See 1)a.

2) I'm not sure what the "Orgy scene" is, so I'm guessing that means, by default, I don't have "experience" in it. As a result, I don't know if this is "the norm." Frankly, I'm surprised that someone who has paid to have sex with well over 500 women wouldn't have a better idea himself. Then again, I'd be lying if I said there wasn't a part of me that wonders if this thread wasn't simply created as an extension of the mud-slinging that took place in the other ridiculous thread in this forum. I do genuinely regret that by virtue of posting this, I have bumped the former and called further attention to the latter. That said, perhaps I can do everyone a favor by discouraging others from reading, and/or replying to, either.

And there's no need to respond directly to me in this thread. I will not return to read the responses. I have wasted enough billable hours on this fluster-cluck of a pissing match. If, on the other hand, you (or anyone else, for that matter) have any additional genuine questions about the event, or why I chose to participate, you (and they) are more than welcome to PM me.

Happy hobbying,
Maybe the question should be... Is the OP trying to tarnish a providers rep for another reason or another thread that she refused to respond to? who's to say

just my .02
You and only you are responsible for your own safety.
Furthermore, why do you think you deserve any explanation if you weren't involved?
Before you give me the safety of our playground is at stake, it always has been and always will be. Please refer to top line.
It seems to me many of your post are like a junior high girl stirring the pot and creating drama.
Dunnfounded's Avatar
Maybe the question should be... Is the OP trying to tarnish a providers rep for another reason or another thread that she refused to respond to? who's to say

just my .02 Originally Posted by a10bomb
Sounds to me like a bit of a witch hunt, apparently we are living in Salem.

And for those of you who don't know about Salem, MA that where they hung/burned people without any really evidence of being witches.

I'm with a10bomb sound like personal issues to me.
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
... I'm with a10bomb sounds like personal issues ... Originally Posted by Dunnfounded
And it sounds all too familiar also. Where have we heard this tune before?
Whispers's Avatar
You and only you are responsible for your own safety.

Agreed. But I have seldom come across ladies that allow THEIR safety to be the decision of the guys they see,

Furthermore, why do you think you deserve any explanation if you weren't involved?

Deserve an explanation? I do not feel I deserve anything here. I asked questions in a discussion forum about a topic of concern. people will choose to answer or will not.

Before you give me the safety of our playground is at stake, it always has been and always will be. Please refer to top line.

As I stated... SOME activities tend to represent greater risk. For example, many ladies consider a guy seeing a street walker to be too great a risk. Some tend to think BB Oral represents greater risk and there are those that consider oral to be a greater risk.

Are you suggesting that since we all assume risk that there should be no discussions of that risk?

It seems to me many of your post are like a junior high girl stirring the pot and creating drama. Originally Posted by Mike6082
I seldom "create" the drama. Simply shed a light on it for others to see.

Choose to participate or not.
Whispers's Avatar
Maybe the question should be... Is the OP trying to tarnish a providers rep for another reason or another thread that she refused to respond to? who's to say

just my .02 Originally Posted by a10bomb
Should I wait for the next very publicly discussed Orgy to ask the questions simply because of the timing?

I would ask this no matter what. It seems to fly in the face of what ladies seek to control all the time which is their own safety....

"Yes. I am going to supply and place the condom on you to my satisfaction for my safety..... unless of course I have a dick in my mouth and ass at the time in which case I'm sure you are OK?"

It's the kind of topic that shines light on the hypocrisy of screening and safety.

How many would be jumping some guys ass if he started a thread complaining that he brought his own condoms to a session and refused to let the provider put it on him?
Whispers's Avatar
Having attended this well-organized, carefully-planned, and very awesome event myself, I can tell you that there were many times when I was simply enjoying the view of the activities in the room, and that if I had seen something questionable (e.g., a gentlemen attempting to unsafely transition holes), I certainly would have said something.

I understand. The problem here in your statement being that you were enjoying the view and IF you had seen something questionable... Seems to be a lot going on at these to enjoy watching. What are the odds of catching what I described?

2) I'm not sure what the "Orgy scene" is, so I'm guessing that means, by default, I don't have "experience" in it. As a result, I don't know if this is "the norm." Frankly, I'm surprised that someone who has paid to have sex with well over 500 women wouldn't have a better idea himself.

Why would you assume that my voracious appetite for sex with women would include a desire to "share" with or even be in the room with another naked man? Simply not my thing.

Then again, I'd be lying if I said there wasn't a part of me that wonders if this thread wasn't simply created as an extension of the mud-slinging that took place in the other ridiculous thread in this forum. I do genuinely regret that by virtue of posting this, I have bumped the former and called further attention to the latter. That said, perhaps I can do everyone a favor by discouraging others from reading, and/or replying to, either.

ehhh..... won't happen..... people love reading the exciting stuff...

And there's no need to respond directly to me in this thread. I will not return to read the responses. I have wasted enough billable hours on this fluster-cluck of a pissing match. If, on the other hand, you (or anyone else, for that matter) have any additional genuine questions about the event, or why I chose to participate, you (and they) are more than welcome to PM me.

Happy hobbying,
Adam Originally Posted by adam888

I understand the need to balance work and play.
I kind of wonder the same thing.
#17 - "Cyber Stalking" is a term that refers to the act of following another member around online. This may include persistent PMing of the other party, repeated ISOs about the other party, or excessive bumping of reviews or posting in threads about the other individual, whether it be positive or negative information posted. In any of these cases, whether staff deems that the behavior has crossed the line into cyber-stalking, or the "stalked" party complains to staff about the alleged behavior, staff will take the necessary steps to make it stop. Please avoid becoming involved in this type of conduct.
[QUOTE=Whispers;1055065302]I seldom "create" the drama. Simply shed a light on it for others to see.

This to me is stirring the pot.

Shedding light for others to see?????

Trust me when I tell you we are all grown adults and don't need you to do our thinking for us.

Maybe school will distract you from this bull$@&? when your spring break is over.
Whispers's Avatar
LMAO! This is not the first time you have displayed an inability to comprehend the guidelines Louigi.

you need to find more suitable playmates Louigi.
Whispers's Avatar
This to me is stirring the pot.

Shedding light for others to see?????

Trust me when I tell you we are all grown adults and don't need you to do our thinking for us.

Maybe school will distract you from this bull$@&? when your spring break is over. Originally Posted by Mike6082
I haven't been distracted for 14 years.... won't be happening anytime soon.

I can tell that for some the questions are too hard or too scary..... For others they awake some concern....

Participate or don't..... up to you......
Whispers's Avatar
I kind of wonder the same thing. Originally Posted by Novatx
wonder if I am just stirring the pot or wonder how they make sure things stay safe?