Rescheduled Appointment

Hey guys! Been around on the boards for a little while but never actually participated in this glorious hobby yet. Every time I get try to make plans something comes up. I had a tentative appointment with a provider yesterday and it didn't work out because of work. I of course was nervous because I am a noob but here is my question... the place right next to where I was suppose to meet had a bust yesterday, could this have been the same person or am I being overly paranoid? The provider seems legit but it just seemed strange to me. What do you guys think?
If you've researched the provider and were comfortable seeing her, I would hope you could trust what she says. You can always look into the bust closer and see what details are available. We all have to do our homework and make the most informed decision we can.
JennaKae's Avatar
Please share what info you have on the 'bust'. Thanks and be well.

Hey guys! Been around on the boards for a little while but never actually participated in this glorious hobby yet. Every time I get try to make plans something comes up. I had a tentative appointment with a provider yesterday and it didn't work out because of work. I of course was nervous because I am a noob but here is my question... the place right next to where I was suppose to meet had a bust yesterday, could this have been the same person or am I being overly paranoid? The provider seems legit but it just seemed strange to me. What do you guys think? Originally Posted by nocoolnames
tammy4u's Avatar
Hey guys! Been around on the boards for a little while but never actually participated in this glorious hobby yet. Every time I get try to make plans something comes up. I had a tentative appointment with a provider yesterday and it didn't work out because of work. I of course was nervous because I am a noob but here is my question... the place right next to where I was suppose to meet had a bust yesterday, could this have been the same person or am I being overly paranoid? The provider seems legit but it just seemed strange to me. What do you guys think? Originally Posted by nocoolnames
Then don't see her. Its probably being paranoid........but I always go with my gut.

Here's a good example..........had someone tell me they would love to see me again, but didn't like the fact that I had a pimp/boyfriend/body guard..........I'm like WTF!!!
Never had, never will. But hey this guy was convinced. Told him I can't control if my neighbors are But everyone that knows me knows I am extremely independent and always have been. BUT, his paranoia got to him, so its his loss not mine.

Its always good to be cautious, but as long as you are with an extremely REPUTABLE provider, you should be fine. Backpage girls, take your chance.