Disclaimer - This thread is not directed towards any of the wonderful ladies that I have recently visited.
Sometimes, I can make a woman wet, which is excellent for the slip and slide. The problem is that sometimes it feels too wet; apparently some ladies gush after orgasm. Then, the mildly friction-full slip and slide feels friction-less. Now, how can I achieve the greatest feeling on earth without the friction? I'm not sure that I can say, "um...it feels a bit loose and wet, can I dry you up down there?"
Sometimes, I have been able to reference my dirtiest memory files to bring all things to climax. Other times, I have resorted to intense pounding to find some friction...well, until I exhaust myself and overheat. Then, I either claim tiredness (it's me...not you), or I say that I want to try ending by hand or mouth.
I know the trick about closing her legs together works pretty well, but I wonder if there are other ways to get there without feeling awkward. Can I offer to soak up some wetness and then continue the adventure?