to all the young fuckers here

chizzy's Avatar
remeber the old story..............

a young bull and an old bull were staring down a hill over looking a field filled with cows..

the young bull said to the old bull "l'm going to run down there and fuck one of those pretty cows

the old bull turned to the young bull and said " lets walk down and fuck them all"

in other words, we've been around alot longer than you young boys and have been doing or done things you still havent figured out plus we been banging ladies when you were still a twinkle in your mommas eye and an itch in your daddys crotch

come to think of it, hell we might even been banging your momma think about that

its about time the chesty, hollywood, bambino and others are shown the respect and admiration we deserve for being the mature and responsible fuckers we are in paving the way for you young fuckers in life

if it wasnt for our generation, you fuckers wouldnt even exist much less have it as easy as you no good lazy fuckers have it

now show us our respect you pricks
  • BSer
  • 03-22-2014, 07:57 PM
Go fuck yourself grandpa, hope you choke on a chocolate cock while walking down that hill.
eaglehorse's Avatar
Chesty, well said. I just don't give a fuck! If we need to teach respect to these young pups, I'll saddle up and ride these puppies down. So look out, for an old Cavarly trooper, mounted on a black stallion, saber in one hand, colt in the other.....I'm coming........Oh forgot, my black stallion only lets me ride him on Wedesday's. He's Union.
OMGitsHuge's Avatar
remeber the old story..............

a young bull and an old bull were staring down a hill over looking a field filled with cows..

the young bull said to the old bull "l'm going to run down there and fuck one of those pretty cows

the old bull turned to the young bull and said " lets walk down and fuck them all"

in other words, we've been around alot longer than you young boys and have been doing or done things you still havent figured out plus we been banging ladies when you were still a twinkle in your mommas eye and an itch in your daddys crotch

come to think of it, hell we might even been banging your momma think about that

its about time the chesty, hollywood, bambino and others are shown the respect and admiration we deserve for being the mature and responsible fuckers we are in paving the way for you young fuckers in life

if it wasnt for our generation, you fuckers wouldnt even exist much less have it as easy as you no good lazy fuckers have it

now show us our respect you pricks Originally Posted by chizzy
Isn't it past your bed time??????
chizzy's Avatar
Go fuck yourself grandpa, hope you choke on a chocolate cock while walking down that hill. Originally Posted by BSer

well bser, your mom was good at cim you know...........that one time she forgot about safe sex and gangbanged the guys down at western psych and 9 months later.............well there you were...................
I guess that explains your odd behavior at times
she was good in her day
  • BSer
  • 03-22-2014, 10:39 PM
.Oh forgot, my black stallion only lets me ride him on Wedesday's.. Originally Posted by eaglehorse
Lmfao, good thing lunch is on a Tuesday. Wouldn't want you to miss your black stallion.

Hey chizzy my mom is half your age you old fucker.
AmishGangster's Avatar
I heard chizzu rode a rented dinosaur to prom, then rode a different dinosaur at the prom
eaglehorse's Avatar
Chizzy, the old Edision Hotel, always had some good ladies, how about driving down to Wheeling.......or the old Mon hotel for an Iron......
Big Stig's Avatar
I have no issue with millennial guys. I love banging their girlfriends.
bambino's Avatar
I have no issue with millennial guys. I love banging their girlfriends. Originally Posted by Big Stig
Here we go, another LMNOP . BTW, I think most of us have banged BSers girlfriends. I even left him a tip once. 92cents I believe it was.
chizzy's Avatar
Lmfao, good thing lunch is on a Tuesday. Wouldn't want you to miss your black stallion.

Hey chizzy my mom is half your age you old fucker. Originally Posted by BSer

bser--- I know your moms age.....................and alot more

kinky little bitch she is
  • BSer
  • 03-23-2014, 09:43 PM
As a green square I see no value in this post.......
chizzy's Avatar
As a green square I see no value in this post....... Originally Posted by BSer

you elitiest prick....................:secr et:
  • BSer
  • 03-23-2014, 09:52 PM
you elitiest prick....................:secr et: Originally Posted by chizzy
You fucking invader! I paid my $50 you are forbidden to have fun!
bambino's Avatar
What are you guys talking about? I'll have to PM SST and Drbob or whoever he is to get an answer.