This week, whilst in Dallas, I went to dinner with a friend. It was a low key, shooting the shit casual type of outing. I really enjoyed myself. The food was great, the ambience in the place was relaxed and the service was very good. I was a bit surprised to find it was a chain restaurant because there are usually little standardized things that give that away...but there was nothing of the sort here. I think the only chain I eat at in MA is legal's and it's pretty good...but the only others that I can think of (in Boston) are stuff like the Smith & W's (dislike) Mortons' (dislike) etc. So I guess my question is, are chains getting better these days or do folks think they are much the same as always? Am I missing out by not looking up more of these places? Recommendations? Also, what do you consider a chain? Multi state diversity or something more simple such as a restaurant that has 3 sites or more in one state?
C x
I know there is a restaurant thread below, but I didnt want to hi-jack that for the specific discussion of chains.