ABQ-Episode 13- The return of Bridezilla

If you missed Episode one thru twelve they are all scattered in the Sandbox. And have provided the links as well.
Episode 1- http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=852037
Episode 2- http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=860786
Episode 3- http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=872510
Episode 4- http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=879098
Episode 5 http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=885633
Episode 6- http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=905614
Episode 7- http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=925055
Episode 8- http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=940471
Episode 9- http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=954859
Episode 10- http://eccie.net/showthread.php?t=967986
Episode 11- http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=973317
Episode 12- http://eccie.net/showthread.php?t=985678

Otherwise none of this is going to make any fuckin sense. Drama...aint no drama like what ABQ has gone thru. Feel me? I suffer from dramaitis. Episodes must be read in order to understand what is going on.

Disclaimer…. This is for entertainment purposes only anything else that happens between the author and the reader is purely fictional in nature. This is a purely fictional dramatic tale End of Disclaimer.

Originally was supposed to only be one episode left but still some content I need to tell so there will now be two more episodes for a total of 15.

Three weeks Later-
Heading back to the room at the MGM as currently walking thru the casino. And have to say so much eye candy here that even Willy Wonka would be impressed. The cartel brought up two new goons a few weeks ago to replace the recovering Cabron. They just stand to the side making sure that me and Skinny Pete are slingin up to the standards of the Cartel. I stop back and look at a redhead who is as busty as busty can be. I whistle so of course she turns and smiles back. My first reaction is that her bolts and bits are as fake as a David Copperfield show. Then for some reason she puts a sucker in her mouth and starts to skip forward and out of my sight. Ahhhh only in Vegas.

Before heading out of the town with Skinny Pete time for the ole ABQ to get some R&R. I enter the elevator and this is this smoking hot white chick with a sparkling and short blue dress on. She smiles at me.

“Sup sexy.”

“You want some company?” She approaches closer to me and gently squeezes my large anaconda. Just then a grin comes over her face. She whispers this in my ear. “For a grand you can have me for a full hour. You know you want it.”

Well so much for looking at a hot chick. I tell ya there are more hot chicks in Vegas who make hella cheddar selling their bodies. “I tell her this. “I think I will pass.” With that the elevator opens as it is my floor.

“It is your loss honey.”

“Yeah I get that a lot.” With that I walk away and head to my room. Within a few seconds over opening the door I see Napoleon sitting on the recliner. I shut the door as a huge anxiety comes over me.

“What the fuck are you doing here?” I stand very close to the door. For some reason Napoleon’s red hair seems to have gotten even more curly. Who would have thought that was even fuckin possible.

“Come have a drink with me Rodrigo.”

“Nah I am fine where I am at.” I say as words are hard to filter out of my mouth.

Napoleon slowly moves up in his recliner. “I said sit your ass down”. He pulls out a Glock 22 on my ass. I get the sick feeling it is just one of many in his collection. GLOCK introduced the G22 .40 in 1990 and effectively closed the gap between the heavy .45 Auto, and the internationally proven 9x19. GLOCK was the first manufacturer to make this popular and effective round accessible to all. Today, police agencies across the U.S., and countless others throughout the world, put their trust in this 15-round .40 caliber pistol.

Then maybe for dramatic effect reaches behind his back and pulls out another gun. This one looks like a Glock 31. The high-performance GLOCK 31 is characterized by extremely high muzzle velocity and superior accuracy, even at extended shooting distances. This .357 pistol is the optimum solution for those looking for these attributes in a reliable, yet lightweight pistol with large magazine capacity. For some reason unless he pulls out another one I think he would use the Glock 31 on my ass. He either had some run in with a law enforcement officer or got it from somewhere else.

Napoleon reaches for his pants and lifts up his right pant leg as yet another toy seems destined to enter the fray.
“Rodrigo you know what this is? It is a Glock 22 cut. GLOCK cutaway models are produced for technical and firearms training. These type of firearms are always a main attraction at training classes, presentations, and tradeshows because they clearly illustrate the ingeniously simple internal mechanisms of the GLOCK pistol. They are sold exclusively to law enforcement agencies. Cutaway pistols in are available in the following models: Gen3 - G17, G19, G20, G21, G22, G23 Gen4 - G17. You may be wondering why I have three Glock pistols? In due time I will tell you but first and I will only say this one more time sit your ass down on the sofa and have a drink with me.” Napoleon raises his voice.

Fuck my life is all that comes to mind as this will either be an interesting conversation or the end of ABQ. At the moment I wish I was taking bets. But I comply and sit on the sofa. I guess a guy holding three guns will do that. That and the fact that he continues to remind me that he can still kill a man over a hundred different ways with his hands and legs.

“Just chill Rodster I have been watching you for the past two weeks and could of killed you at anytime I wanted to. Or break a few of your bones and personally transport you back to Alburquerque. As head of corporate security I have to give you props for getting out of New Mexico alive. I need information from you that is all. At least that is all for today. But do not mistake my kindness for thinking this issue between you and Frito Lay is over. In fact it is far from over.” He hands me a shot of tequila.

“You and your little friend are the easiest to dispose of. Yet there are extenuating circumstances that right now prevent me or three others of my team from taking you out. I have watched some “Breaking Bad” over the past few months and yes I am content with giving you a reprieve on a temporary basis. A half measure so to speak. You may ask why? From my point of view it is simple I cannot fight a war on three different fronts.” Napoleon pauses and pours him another shot of Patron.

“Two months ago I did not drink. Nor have I ever smoked until that fateful Saturday night. With what you and your friend Cabron did to me. Let me tell you a story. When most look at me they see a weak individual. One that cannot fight for myself. Because of my frame and Yes because I look. I usually get one of two responses. “Are you Napoleon Dynamite? Then they bust out laughing. Or I have gotten his from people in Vegas over the past two weeks. “Wow look its carrot top. Are you preforming tonight?” So Rodster this get on my nerves and that is one thing a person should not do. No one would expect that part of my job responsibility is to kill people.

Puberty came very late for me. I was always the short and nerdy guy that got picked on in school. I was so short I had to sit on the floor holding up the sign with the shortest girl during class photo day. The sign read class of. Who knows what years they were but I did in in 6th grade, 7th grade and 8th grade. Do you know how demeaning that was? Being four foot five during this time. High school was no better as I was picked up and bullied even more. This one bully named Jerry made me give him ten dollars a week not to beat me up. I have been looking for that kid for the past five years. If I ever saw him I would offer him the opportunity for a boxing match. I would beat him within an inch of his life to see how he likes it. One time in my sophomore year he threw me down some stairs and I had a puffy and swollen eye for a week. All he did the rest of the year was make fun of that. Of course that was on the days when he was not beating the crap out of me.

By junior year puberty finally hit me and I grew up five foot six. Which is still my current height. I was still getting the crap beat out of me. I made myself a pact that when senior year came I would defend myself. I started taking Karate and King Fu classes on a nightly basis. I did this because all my focus and determination was kicking the crap out of Jerry. By the time I thought I was ready I was up to a 8th KYU brown belt-Junior Belt system. I felt like it was time for some serious payback. Then came spring break. I spent 14 hours a day getting ready, nothing but push-ups and training.

First day back from Spring Break there was no Jerry. He was nowhere to be found. Then came Tuesday which lead into Wednesday which then turned into Thursday. By Friday I had learned the truth. Jerry had transferred out of the school and moved to Florida where his father took a job. I was pissed angry and full of rage all at the same time. Over the next two months any other bullies that tried to attack me had a few broken bones. It satisified me to the point where late May came none of the bigger guys would go near me unless they had four of five friends to back them up. I just did not care about hurting them scumbags. My high school had two choices with me to expel me or give me an early graduation. They choose the later on the condition that I was not to participate in graduation ceremonies.

At this time I did not care and put forth my energy and resolve over the next few years of getting better than King Fu. I got to the point of 10th Senior division black belt. Once I mastered that I went into Kung Fu. This taught me a lot in terms of discipline and controlling my rage. As you may well know it is a Chinese term referring to any study, learning, or practice that requires patience, energy, and time to complete, often used in the West to refer to Chinese martial arts, also known as Wushu. In its original meaning, kung fu can refer to any skill achieved through hard work and practice, not necessarily martial arts. The Chinese literal equivalent of "Chinese martial art" would be zhōngguó wǔshù.

In Chinese, Gōngfu (功夫) is a compound of two words, combining 功 (gōng) meaning "work", "achievement", or "merit", and 夫 (fū) which is alternately treated as being a word for "man" or as a particle or nominal suffix with diverse meanings (the same character is used to write both). A literal rendering of the first interpretation would be "achievement of man", while the second is often described as "work and time/effort". Its connotation is that of an accomplishment arrived at by great effort of time and energy. Originally, to practice kung fu did not just mean to practice Chinese martial arts. Instead, it referred to the process of one's training - the strengthening of the body and the mind, the learning and the perfection of one's skills - rather than to what was being trained. It refers to excellence achieved through long practice in any endeavor.

Once I mastered that I went into another direction. Into Japanese martial arts and that of aikido. Aikido is often translated as "the Way of unifying (with) life energy” or as "the Way of harmonious spirit. The goal was to create an art that practitioners could use to defend themselves while also protecting their attacker from injury. Aikido is performed by blending with the motion of the attacker and redirecting the force of the attack rather than opposing it head-on. This requires very little physical strength, as the aikidōka (aikido practitioner) "leads" the attacker's momentum using entering and turning movements.

The techniques are completed with various throws or joint locks. Physical training goals pursued in conjunction with aikido include controlled relaxation, flexibility, and endurance, with less emphasis on strength training. In aikido, pushing or extending movements are much more common than pulling or contracting movements. This distinction can be applied to general fitness goals for the aikido practitioner. In aikido, specific muscles or muscle groups are not isolated and worked to improve tone, mass, and power. Aikido-related training emphasizes the use of coordinated whole-body movement and balance similar to yoga or pilates.

So when I say I can kill a man in over 100 ways without a gun now you know some background of why I say this. So enough about this tangent that I am on and the real reason I decided to visit you today. I need answers from you and if you do not give them to me quickly and honestly then I will have no choice but to break some bones before I depart this hotel.

“The place you took me I know was not your idea but that of a family member. Cabron told you to take me there. Needless to say he did not get out of there unscathed and I went ahead and broke some of his bones. Because of that the Cartel that he is a member have been looking for me all over Vegas. They want me dead. Which of course I do not want. But they do not want a war with Frito Lay. You need to tell them to go back to Juarez and let this be.”

“I am sorry they will not listen to me and frankly I am trying to break ties with my Cartel roots.” I tell him.
“They will stop the selling of those spiked Cheetos puffs with Butane Oil.”
“That aint even gonna happen. They have a huge warehouse and have it going like clockwork. It is out of my hands.”

“You started this shit and you need to end it.” Napoleon says taking another shot of Patron. “Little by little I have been trying to put the pieces of what happened at that sick club. I realize I was very high on your synthetic mariquana. I remember somethings being sprayed in the air. But I always thought the worst experience was being bullied as a kid. How do you like to wake up and the more you get one’s senses back the more you realize you have no idea where you are. I acted like one of them as I slowly moved farther away. They were all naked and full of blood as was I. The only difference was I had some guys balls still in my mouth. I was in some sort of rage still that I tried to get a handle of. I saw your cousin there and it was from my vantage point the most sickest and twisted thing I have ever seen. Yes, I have seen a lot of horror movies and nothing was as bizarre as that night or early morning. They were wanna be zombies. You and your cousin what tried to turn me into a zombie”?
“Look I was just trying to get you away from me because you did want me dead.”

“You stole a frito lay truck from one of our distribution centers.” That was not going to swept aside by the parent company. Then I find out later that you are spiking Cheetos puffs with butane hash oil. And some very powerful stuff. I did not know if it was the most ridiculous thing I ever heard or pure brilliance. At first I thought you were just a complete moron then I found out how powerful those puffs were.

Like I said I have been putting the pieces together from that night. Why? Because I had no choice. Three days after what happened I was baten and thrown into a black SUV late at night outside the Venetian. At first I thought they were Cartel getting their payback against me. As we continued to ride in the desert at night. I began to realize it was something else. One held a Glock to my head once they stopped in the middle of nowhere in the desert. I guess at least a hundred miles or more outside of Vegas. Here were the questions they asked me.

“Why did you wake up sooner than everyone else?
Why did the bath salts make you more violent than anyone else at the club that night?
Why did you attack my other people after you ripped a man’s balls off with your mouth?
Why did you rip flesh off legs, arms, and faces?
What did you take previously to cause this?

Everyone else was more in a semi catatonic like state. Mostly smelling others, trying to have sex even though most of their cognitive functions were not working properly. Everyone but you. Why?”

“What those four agents did not realize is I had guns pointed at me in the past. When I was done I had three Glocks and a semi-automatic. They were left in the desert with many broken bones. Sure a few may be dead or all of them or none of them. This is why I am getting out of Vegas. I will deal with the Cartel and get your product off the streets one way or another. Do you know it is being referred to on the streets of Vegas as Yellow Crush?”

“Nope. But I learn something new every day.” Was all I could come up with.

“As I was about to break some bones of the last man standing and he was yelling in pain he told me he was part of a secret government agency to track new technology advances. So that told me a few things that the government knew about this club and was probably sponsoring it. That if I did not get away I would have been a guninea pig to recreate what happened at the club. Here is my thinking. Those people on the dance floor have an extreme zombie fetish. Little by little the government is trying to see what will and will not work in terms of creating a zombie apocalypse. So what happened to me just accelerated their plans. They needed me to experiment on and I was not going to let that happen.

I took some of your Cheetos puffs to a lab and found out there was a lot of butane hash oil in each that was turned into a sticky substance. Yet there was also something else in the hash oil. A mixture of two to three different chemicals that you synthesized. So right here and right now you are going to tell me what those are and how much you put in it. Your Cheetos puffs along with those bath salts and something else triggered a response in me that some government agency was giddy to learn how it was done. So what was the other ingredient they they gave us?” Napoleon asks as he is pointing a gun at me.

“What the fuck is Datura?”
“Google that shit!”
“Now tell me what is your special ingredients that you put in the hash oil?”

“A heterogeneous mixture is a mixture of two or more chemical substances (elements or compounds). Correct sampling is defined as a sampling scenario in which all particles have the same probability of being included in the sample. Unless you are Walter White or a psychist you will never figure it out or maybe you might. Problem is what I am going to tell you has to be done in trace amounts at best. I will explain why. First off I do not use this synthetic compound on all of the Cheetos. I use a very strong butane hash oil and one other component. However what I gave you at the Club before the spray of Datum and Bath salts was special. It changed certain brain chemicals to basically cause you to be much more aggressive.

That is the cool thing about chemicals. One never knows what mixing a few here and a splash of that will do. So you want answers? You think you can handle the truth? Let me educate you a bit then.

A little Iron and then we get into the good stuff. Argon is a chemical element with symbol Ar and atomic number 18. It is in group 18 of the periodic table and is a noble gas. Argon is the third most common gas in the Earth's atmosphere, at 0.93% (9,300 ppm), making it approximately 23.8 times as abundant as the next most common atmospheric gas, carbon dioxide (390 ppm), and more than 500 times as abundant as the next most common noble gas, neon (18 ppm). Nearly all of this argon is radiogenic argon-40 derived from the decay of potassium-40 in the Earth's crust. In the universe, argon-36 is by far the most common argon isotope, being the preferred argon isotope produced by stellar nucleosynthesis in supernovas. Yep that is right and I got myself a whole bunch of it. However if NASA finds out I am screwed.

The name "argon" is derived from the Greek word αργον, neuter singular form of αργος meaning "lazy" or "inactive", as a reference to the fact that the element undergoes almost no chemical reactions. The complete octet (eight electrons) in the outer atomic shell makes argon stable and resistant to bonding with other elements. So this is very important because of the stability to it and of course its inactive nature. I refer to it as a negative element.

Argon is produced industrially by the fractional distillation of liquid air. Argon is mostly used as an inert shielding gas in welding and other high-temperature industrial processes where ordinarily non-reactive substances become reactive; for example, an argon atmosphere is used in graphite electric furnaces to prevent the graphite from burning. Argon gas also has uses in incandescent and fluorescent lighting, and other types of gas discharge tubes. Argon makes a distinctive blue-green gas laser. So you add a few more substances to Argon and like majic it becomes reactive. Albeit again this must be done in very small quantities.

Rolipram is a racetam and a selective phosphodiesterase-4 inhibitor, which particularly targets the PDE4B subtype of phosphodiesterase 4. Like most PDE4-inhibitors, it is an anti-inflammatory drug. Rolipram has been studied as a possible antidepressant. Rolipram also has anti-inflammatory, immunosuppressive, Rolipram has also been proposed as a treatment for multiple sclerosis. Recent studies show that rolipram may have antipsychotic effects. Other beneficial effects of rolipram in animal experiments are: * Improved long term memory * Increased wakefulness * Increased neuroprotection * In animal studies: promotion of axonal regeneration and functional recovery from spinal cord lesions Animal studies of rolipram show promise in ameliorating Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease and also in the regeneration of severed spinal cord axonal bodies.

Now this is all very interesting and great in terms of Rolipram especially givin its anti-inflammatory nature and that of antipsychotic effects. But the question is why would this intensifiy psychotic moods? That is the question ole Napoleon but at this time I rather not get into it.


The chemical element of atomic number 35, a dark red fuming toxic liquid with a choking, irritating smell. It is a member of the halogen group and occurs chiefly as salts in seawater and brines. I could go on and on in relation to how Bromine seems to bond with bath salts in the brain. But your little lab in Plano, Texas should be able to run some tests. So what else is in there?

A dab of Sodium hydroxide, also known as caustic soda, or lye, is an inorganic compound with the chemical formula NaOH. It is a white solid and highly caustic metallic base and alkali salt which is available in pellets, flakes, granules, and as prepared solutions at a number of different concentrations. Sodium hydroxide forms an approximately 50% (by weight) saturated solution with water. The key for Sodium hydroxide is not only the inorganic compound but also the alkali salt.

Methanol, also known as methyl alcohol, wood alcohol, wood naphtha or wood spirits, is a chemical with the formula CH3OH (often abbreviated MeOH). Methanol acquired the name "wood alcohol" because it was once produced chiefly as a byproduct of the destructive distillation of wood. Modern methanol is produced in a catalytic industrial process directly from carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen.

Methanol is the simplest alcohol, and is a light, volatile, colorless, flammable liquid with a distinctive odor very similar to, but slightly sweeter than, that of ethanol (drinking alcohol). At room temperature, it is a polar liquid, and is used as an antifreeze, solvent, fuel, and as a denaturant for ethanol.

Methanol is produced naturally in the anaerobic metabolism of many varieties of bacteria, and is commonly present in small amounts in the environment. As a result, there is a small fraction of methanol vapor in the atmosphere. Over the course of several days, atmospheric methanol is oxidized with the help of sunlight to carbon dioxide and water.

Methanol ingested in large quantities is metabolized to formic acid or formate salts, which is poisonous to the central nervous system, and may cause blindness, coma, and death. Because of these toxic properties, methanol is frequently used as a denaturant additive for ethanol manufactured for industrial uses. So the question you may be asking why Methanol? In very small doses it can do havoc to the central nervous system but does not cause blindness nor death. Methanol interacts with dopamine in the brain along with sodium hydroxide and along with the synethetic bath salts begin work first on shutting down the central nervous system.

Xenon is a chemical element with the symbol Xe and atomic number 54. It is a colorless, heavy, odorless noble gas, that occurs in the Earth's atmosphere in trace amounts. Although generally unreactive, xenon can undergo a few chemical reactions such as the formation of xenon hexafluoroplatinate, the first noble gas compound to be synthesized.

Naturally occurring xenon consists of eight stable isotopes. There are also over 40 unstable isotopes that undergo radioactive decay. The isotope ratios of xenon are an important tool for studying the early history of the Solar System. Radioactive xenon-135 is produced from iodine-135 as a result of nuclear fission, and it acts as the most significant neutron absorber in nuclear reactors.

Xenon is also being used to search for hypothetical weakly interacting massive particles and as the propellant for ion thrusters in spacecraft. One good thing about being tight with a Cartel then can get me any types of compounds I need. The thing to remember about Xenon is its radioactive nature. Again, all of these compounds must be used in extremely small doses and interact with the solid form of butane hash oil.

“Bullshit” Napoleon rises up and points the gun to the temple of my forehead. “Are you telling me I was radioactive?”

“Not the first time you pointed a gun at my forehead. Go ahead and write it down and run some samples yourself. But yes, Glock man you were a bit radioactive. Again, this was not my idea.”
“I will be back tomorrow after I come back from a lab. And if your ass Is lying to me I will break every single bone in your body. Do we have an understanding?”

I only nod as a minute later he is gone. A big smirk comes across my face as I take another shot of tequila. Knowing it will take a lot longer than a day to get his hands on those compounds. Looks like Hurricane Charlie is some strong ass shit.

Two Days Later-

I look around as more paranoia kicks in with each passing day that I do not run into Napoleon. But here I am back at the coffee shop with my new Jamaican friend, Raymone.

“Look I only know so much about that club. Yes, certain entities of the government watch it. I have been told there are cameras all over. So whatever you did to that guy from Frito Lay has gotten certain government officials interested. Only a matter of time before they come to the source. It is simply really Rodrigo you have accelerated the process of what the government is trying to do.

“And what is that?” I ask. “A zombie apocolypse?”

“Not in the true sense but more of a controlled state in a broad assumption by me. Whatever they want is bigger than you or me. Whatever you put in those Cheetos puffs besides butane hash oil has gotten the government all interested. Because of what Napoleon did they now believe they have some sort of breakthrough. Zombies and death morbid but hey this is Vegas…right?

Speaking of death. Lets talk about you.”
“Fucking great. Like I do not have enough to worry about.” I say knowing my stress and paranoia is thru the damn roof.

“As I would say when I used to live in Jamaica Jackass seh di worl nu level. You know what that means? Life is not fair. But then again Dawg a sweat and long hair hide it. Things are not always as they seem. I have turned the corner from what I once was and now life is good to me. Or shall I say I have grabbed life and said I am controlling you now. Puss belly full him say rat batty stink. Or to translate to you only satisfied people can afford to be choosy.
So lets talk about death shall we? You are trying to get more in touch with your spiritual side so what I am about to say may sound morbid. But here me out. And this should be our last meeting for a while. You have too many people after you and I suggest you need to get the heck out of Vegas soon.

Do you know one of the greatest teachers in life is death. Kinda Ironic man is it not? Someone could remind you of the insignificance of the things you cling to but then death takes them away in a second. Your parents, friends, acquaintances can all try and teach you that all races are equal or that there is not difference between those who are rich and those who are poor. But death instantly makes us all the same.

Here is the question to ponder, Are you going to wait until the last possible second for death to be your teacher? Death has the power to teach us something at any moment. Some are unable to embrace the inevitability and unpredictability of death. So let me say this anytime whatsoever you are having trouble with something think of death. Think of death as your new best friend.

You cannot seem to let go of Aitiana but what if you are no longer here? Is it really that selfish of you that she should live alone with no one to care about her? So what you have to do is get past your personal issues. What you want is for Aitiana to be happy and have a full and beautiful life.”
“She is in a loveless marriage with a head of a cartel that she cannot stand.” Is all I say.

“So that is it? You have some deep seeded illusion that you are going to save her? It sounds like she does not want to be saved. What you need to do with all your breath, with all your might is to live at the highest level while you are still alive. To live it from the deepest part of your being. So going back to consciousness again that is necessary for deep and meaningful relationships. In life we take for granted the loved ones that they are there for us. But what if they died? Or what if you died? What if you know tonight or tomorrow night would be the last time you see them? What if you knew tomorrow would be your last day on this earth. That every person you encounter would most likely be the last time you ever saw them? How would you feel then? Would you bother with the little grudges, complaints and small petty things that have upset you about them? Exactly how much love could you give back on your last day on earth to your loved ones knowing it would be the last time you’d get to be with them?

Now for the shocker. What if Rodrigo that you lived that like every day? Your life would be completely different would it not? There is this auru of freedom that will take over you. The chains and gates that lock up your heart will be free. We cannot look at Death as a horrible morbid thought. What if you turned it around on its head and made Death the greatest teacher of all. If you did this exactly how much time and energy would you put into things that are irrelevant?

If you knew you were going to die in a week or even two weeks or a month how would that change things for you? What would you do if you only had a week to live? Think about that? Would you do stupid and unmeaningful things? Would you throw away your last week of life as a ahhh fuck it situation? Treating it like it is not precious? The preciousness of it is not some ring but of time. So again what are you doing with life? This is what death asks of each individual.

What if Death came to your doorstep tonight and say it is time to go. What would you then do say No it is not my time? Or say give me one more week? Death retorts and says Rodrigo I gave you 52 weeks in the past year. And look at all the other weeks I have given you. What did you do with those? Live an addicted lifestyle with no meaning? Like I said before Rodrigo death retorts it is time to go. What an astonishing thing to say about life in general. Do you not agree?

Like I said Death is the greatest teach there is but very few live with that level of awareness. That conscious self that is within all of us. It does not matter your age. It does not matter your race? It does not matter the hell you are going thru in life. All that matters is the present and now. Death is a teacher of time. I used to say time is a healer of all wounds. But what if time is not on your side? How would you then cope with the fragile and maybe broke heart? See all of these questions and it boils down to thy self. No one knows when their time will be up. That is not how Death works.

What if you had the balls to reflect on how you would live that last week? Those who are truly self aware would be able to articulate to you in great detail what they would do. But right here and right now Rodrigo you would have absolutely no idea what you would do. You know this and so do I. You must be willing to look at what it would be life for Death to stare you in the face. Then come to peace with it. The question is how close to death are you? You live right now a volatile lifestyle where any moment could be the end of you. For you that is a good thing and a bad thing. It is bad because you have so much negativity in your life. So much you need to fix to feel alive and yes to live your life. But it is also a good thing because it is much easier to be self aware of death. Every time you walk outside, every time you go to get something to eat, every time you go to a strip club, it could be the last thing you do.

How about the realization that what you are doing at any moment in life is something that someone was doing somewhere when they died? He or she died in a plane wreck, he died choking on his food, he died in a car accident, he died of a heart attack while walking. Let this knowledge help you live every moment of the rest of your life to the absolute fullest. What happens if someone knows they only have a week to live? For most they might say it was the most important and fulfilling week of my life. My heart was completely open and all I had was love flowing thru me. Pretty strong stuff is it not?

You are doing to die you know that? I am going to die. Everyone is going to die. But we just do not know when. Every single thing will be taken from you. Your loved ones, your possessions and any hopes and dreams you might have had. All gone in an instant and there is no do over. The reality of it all is that death changes everything in a moment. With all of that said maybe you should look deeper. Try it out Rodrigo and act like you only have a week or a month left and then live your life that way. Deep truths about you will change your perceptions.

Live in the here and now and trust me those insignificant things in life will no longer matter. Those little grudges will go away. Those people that hurt you in the past will no longer matter to you. All that will matter is the present and feeling alive. Do not be afraid of what will happen in the next moment. That is how some live when they face death. Learn to live as though you are facing death at any moment. Only then will you fully be able to experience life and release the part that is afraid of life. Releasing those fears that everyone has will be lifted from you. These are the lessons that death can teach us if we are open to it and more importantly be self aware. Life does not change but you do.” Ramone finishes his coffee. Shakes my hand and with that he is gone. At the moment I am speechless, dumbfounded and not sure how to react to what I have just heard.

Two Weeks Later-

Still could not believe how long me and Pete were in Vegas. It was by far the weirdest Vegas trip I had in my life that yes it felt like I was on LSD. Not I had to get out of there cause it was only a matter of days before Napoleon came after me. But it has been good to be back home for the past week and a half. Even though it only got worse as my low rider is missing. My baby, my sweet thang, my phat ass of a ride even a week and a half later is still fuckin missing. ABQ is near tears at night thinking of what might off happened to it. Was it gasp stripped for parts?

Numerous calls by the cartel telling me it is time to go back to slingin. My only response was I have something I have to take care of first. So once again I make Pete do some slingin at night downtown in the tone. Right now I am in a small office I needed to rent for what I must do. I look at my watch as it is 10am and right on cue I hear the door open and next to Pitbull my other mortal enemy walks in.

“Long time no see.” Jamie Lynn in a yellow flower sundress says to me as she sits down. How can someone so short as her maybe five feet at best be so damn evil.

“I should be beyond mad at you. Furious, anger with a baseball bat for what you did to my poor daddy. But I will be the better person here. “How are you?”

I think to myself that I had one too many breakfast volcano tacos. That and seeing her again. It only brings my stomach to drop 5-10 stories indicating that a 20 kiloton hunk of poop is severely imminent...roughly 45-60 seconds so before I gotz to hit the nearest bathroom!!! The upcoming Hershey squirts is gonna be a mean one.

“This upcoming tequila sauna is gonna hurt.”
“What?” Was all she could say.
“Crap….pun intended.” With that I run to the bathroom.

Episode 14: Paranoia
For those that lower my rating maybe you should think about reading it first. These are classic five star episodes. If you do not like it move your ass along.
Big One's Avatar
Another great read ABQ. Looking forward to Episode 14: Paranoia
RudeDog777's Avatar
How will it end? Can't wait to read what comes next
Hoping to have Episode 14 up by next week. It is an interesting episode as we see more of Bridezilla who was briefly in the last episode and played a prominent part in Episode one. Which forced ABQ to go into hiding and the dire repercussions that caused.

Something terrible happens to ABQ and things also come to a head by the end of the episode which will lead into the finale.

I used to read some Stephen King books when I was younger but he wrote a non fiction book once on the art of writing. What ABQ found intriguing was he said sometimes the story has to organically come to you. Dude from Maine has a point.

While there is a lot of fiction on here there is also some non-fiction. The ability to have these episodes as comedy, some drama and even a bit of sci-fi has been a weird and unique combination. Plus episode seven had some porn.

I say this now because even I do not know how it will end. Why? Cause I have flippin Frito Lay after me, the organization who must not be named is not happy that I am not working for them slingin at the moment, and a third and maybe even more powerful entitity also comes into the mix. On top of that ABQ has to deal with bridezilla and her wedding. That and mi low rider is still missing. the events in Episode 14 have already occurred. The events in Episode 15 are still playing out for me.

So if you go on coed and see drama remember this. No one has more drama in their life than ABQ. Which makes it even more difficult to get in touch with mi spiritual side and leave the gangster ways behind. It is hard...real hard like mi anaconda.

Stay tuned....

How will it end? Can't wait to read what comes next Originally Posted by RudeDog777
Coming tomorrow and just in time before the Easter holiday. Episode 14- and some real good n tight reading material. It could go down as the funniest episode yet.
ABQ-shouldn't you be submitting these posts to Romance Novels, Inc or somewhere else, since the board is about ladies and hobbiests and their sessions? The bandwidth could be used for more ads/reviews. Sheesh. If you wanna be a writer, seek out a publishing company or have they all rejected your efforts???
You are misinformed on numerous points. So let me retort.

Did you even read what can be posted in the sandbox?
"The Sandbox is a collection of off-topic discussions. Humorous threads, Sports talk, and a wide variety of other topics can be found here. If it's NOT hobby-related, then you're in the right place."

What part of that do you not understand?

Second point is that this shows how little you have read by saying it is a romance novel. It is not. Maybe you saw Episode 7 and came to that ridiculous conclusion. The romance piece is but a small subplot to the overarching story.

Point #3- Do you monitor bandwidth on this site? Curious if not then move your ass along.

Point #4- Before making a snide comment about publishing houses maybe find out the truth first before coming across as a complete ass. So Gatorade me biatch!

Point #5- There are a lot of people who PM ABQ and say it is great reading material for free. You are obviously not in that camp and that is fine. Like I said before and I will say again no one is forcing you to read or even open up the episodic threads so be kind and move your ass along.

Go unbuckle your pants and take out your tic-tac and have a bit of fun looking at the new provider ads.

ABQ-shouldn't you be submitting these posts to Romance Novels, Inc or somewhere else, since the board is about ladies and hobbiests and their sessions? The bandwidth could be used for more ads/reviews. Sheesh. If you wanna be a writer, seek out a publishing company or have they all rejected your efforts??? Originally Posted by repete offender
Drama, drama. Really don't read your stories, have no interest in doing so and your insults to me prove the drama wtihin. Thanks for finally ending it, though. You obviously have a lot of free time on your hands and seem to want to impress people with your prose, vocabulary and hipness. You have proven one thing, you are super sensitive to criticism of the long posts you have put up. Sorry if I stepped on your toes. I will turn the other cheek and move on to other, more interesting reading. Let's see if you can respond without hurling insults at me. The best scenario would be for you to NOT respond at all, however, I don't see that happening. Done and out on this topic. Write on in peace.
Yep you are right. I have to respond it is in ABQ's nature. So you insult ABQ without ever reading the material and do not expect me to reply. Then you make the assumption that it is a romance novel. WTF!

I am not opposed to constructive criticism.