Your thoughts.....
The whole flavor of the board seems to be dominated with ass-hats and ass-clowns lately, so I really pay very little attention to the drama. It would be a shame to lose the insight of the lovely ladies whose posts are enlightening and/or entertaining.
Speaking of ass-hats and ass-clowns, is it just me or have these fools been out in full force the last couple of weeks? (Both hobby land and real world.) I've had some real nut jobs show their true colors recently... Originally Posted by Tony Patella
It comes in cycles. Once ASPD got big you saw the same thing happen. People will eventually exhaust themselves and something approaching peaceful coexistence will appear. Then it will all start up again.It's true all of this stuff goes in cycles. Just chill and relax and it will swing the other way to.
You ought to go check out the west coast version of Eccie (tna.net, I believe). Talk about the long knives coming out! It makes us appear docile, even on our worst days. Originally Posted by TinMan