Your Longest Communication Response Time?

NeedABreather's Avatar
I got a PM about a week ago from a lady that was responding to a message I sent her, only I didn't remember sending the message at first. Had I not seen my original message at the bottom of the history, I would have thought she accidentally sent me a message intended for someone else. Why would I have forgotten sending her a message you may ask??... Because it took her a whopping 398 days to respond! So that got me wondering, what's the longest response time anyone else has experienced? And I'm not talking about communications that never get a response, because I've got a few of those as well.
bigphd's Avatar
Thats a long time lol......

The worst is when you are minding your own business in chat, and you get a PM asking you for a "date" possibly, and when you reply immediately you then get no follow up response for a week lol...not a real good sales approach

Have had that happen a couple times
OldGrump's Avatar
One thing for sure - she isn't a clock watcher.
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
One thing for sure - she isn't a clock watcher. Originally Posted by OldGrump
Bahaha hahaha

Now thats funny

Shes not even a calendar watcher.
DownForWhatever's Avatar
One thing for sure - she isn't a clock watcher. Originally Posted by OldGrump
Good one, Grump.

How 'bout this one?

...sending a PM on Monday asking for a Wednesday appt...then about 2 weeks later getting a reply that goes something like: "Hi Honey, when would like to meet?"

So far, I've resisted the urge to reply with "2 fucking weeks ago!"...and just add another notch to the DNS belt.
muffin101's Avatar
Nice one OG


Ya, things like that just tells me for they ppl that are really hooked/interested... they will still engage in that conversation further.

Nice one OG


Ya, things like that just tells me for they ppl that are really hooked/interested... they will still engage in that conversation further.

Originally Posted by muffin101
exactly right.

after a few hours, I forgot what I wrote anyway.
Brass Balls's Avatar
It's not the longest but it's funny. I once called a provider and left her a voicemail. About half an hour later I sent a text which she answered and we connected later that night. About two weeks later I got a call from her returning my call.
daty/o's Avatar
I'm convinced that all providers can only tell time from the clock by their bed.
theboss21422's Avatar
I know how you feel OP, but think about it from their pov, most probably have a separate smartphone or email account that's only hobby related and also know that the hobby for them is not a regular 9-5, so thus they check their hobby communications devices and accounts when needed, just think if you was her and charged what she charged for said bcd, you would calculate just how many dates you needed per month to get by, we all know the stigmata of being a hook so its understandable why they can't be reached sometimes
DownForWhatever's Avatar
It's not the longest but it's funny. I once called a provider and left her a voicemail. About half an hour later I sent a text which she answered and we connected later that night. About two weeks later I got a call from her returning my call. Originally Posted by Brass Balls
...been there...done that...exact same thing.
BBW Katrina's Avatar
I got a ref check response just minutes ago from a provider that I requested one from on March 26th. She apologized for being late in getting back with me. Said she ran his # through her phn and pm's and nothing came up. Fair enough since I never gave her his phn#, only his handle...

She then proceeds to say she has never seen him and doesn't have a clue who he is. Well he reviewed her and gave her a no...I guess she forgot.
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
Well he reviewed her and gave her a no...I guess she forgot. Originally Posted by BBW Katrina
Selective memory... It's best to forget some things.
DownForWhatever's Avatar
It's not the longest but it's funny. I once called a provider and left her a voicemail. About half an hour later I sent a text which she answered and we connected later that night. About two weeks later I got a call from her returning my call. Originally Posted by Brass Balls
Brass: Been there...done that exact same thing a few weeks ago.