Should Providers get a chance to respond to reviews?

It seems to me that this site a little different and a lot better than ASPD.

I heard a suggestion from a friend that I thought was very interesting. Why not allow Providers the opportunity to read the BCD info on reviews that pertain to her only, and then allow a one time response from her.

I know the issue of drama comes up as to why Providers never get any chance to respond, however it seems like if ECCIE allowed a single one time response that would eliminate the drama. If she could respond once only, then it would end after that one and only response to that review.

A recent thread in Dallas Coed by Karina Taylor where she owned up to having a bad day was an example of a Provider handling a bad situation well. However, since there are always 2 sides to every story, why not hear from Providers on a negative review?

One of the things I have always wondered about is why some Hobbyists only write negative reviews, or they simply don't bother to write reviews at all. And it seems like negative reviews get the most views. Anyway, alowing the Providers a chance to respond just seems fair.
atlcomedy's Avatar
great example/bad idea....if you have a bad review or day day why not just start a thread in a coed discussion area and offer your apology (or the she said side of the story?)
While I can appreciate your point of view O2D, I have to say that it won't fly. Giving any access to BCD will only discourage more hobbyists from writing reviews at all or to gloss over what really occurred.

Now I am not naive and understand that you cannot prevent all providers who may have a WK somewhere to get access to BCD. But to openly offer it, even for reviews only pertinent to them, is not a good idea.
I think providers should be allowed to at least make one comment on a bad review. There alot of reasons things go bad.. The hobbyist was just a jack*** , the provider was having a bad day (we all have them after all we are human)etc... A bad review can be a learning tool for both the provider and the hobbyist. By allowing the provider to post a comment on the bad review it opens things things and as I mention everyone can learn from it

Play safe everyone and have a great week!!!
GneissGuy's Avatar
A lady can post a response in a coed thread.

In my opinion, it's not usually a good idea to do so. Most of the times I've seen a lady post a response to a review, she's done herself more harm than good by coming across as a bit of a psycho.

Ladies, if you do respond to a review in a coed thread, don't post mad. Calmly post the facts. Dispassionately state what's wrong, etc. Maybe get a trusted hobbyist friend to read it for you first. If the guy responds, don't let him get your goat. If he can get you to lose your cool, it hurts your side of the argument. Don't make threats, etc. Most guys don't want to visit with a "drama queen."

If he does have a black and white factual error, by all means point that out. It may be a losing battle to argue about opinions, such as "she wasn't into it."

I believe that the truth will eventually win out in terms of your reviews here.
I think providers should be allowed to at least make one comment on a bad review. There alot of reasons things go bad.. The hobbyist was just a jack*** , the provider was having a bad day (we all have them after all we are human)etc... A bad review can be a learning tool for both the provider and the hobbyist. By allowing the provider to post a comment on the bad review it opens things things and as I mention everyone can learn from it Originally Posted by kittendd
Generally, I agree with kittendd. I know when I write a stellar review, I wish the lady could see it. Kind of proud of our time together. OTOH, when I write a review that slams the lady (either for her performance or other issues), I want her to see it also (not that I believe my review will necessarily change her ways). But I think the ladies in general have the right to know how they are reviewed. A one-time response may not be a bad idea.

Finally, we shouldn't kid ourselves. Some ladies do read their reviews. They have connections with hobbyists who give them access to their reviews. I'm not saying this is OK--just that it is a fact.
I don't think replies should be allowed at all. It takes up way too much bandwidth and the replies are nothing more than dog piling, white knighting or asking stupid questions. I also don't agree with the fact that ladies cannot see BCD comments. ASPD and here are the only boards like that. It doesn't prevent the guys from being honest. If anything, if ladies knew a gents true feelings, maybe they would get their acts together. It could serve as a ruler to the level of service. Maybe, just maybe, if some ladies knew what was being said, then they would ship up or ship out. I know for myself, I have read my reviews on other boards and thought to myself "well damn, I need to change that." And I never repeated that same offense. It made "me" a better provider. But eh, what do I know? lol

Yep why not, good thing to have a rebuttal.
Omahan's Avatar
This is my personal opinion and I'm not speaking as a Mod. Nothing good can come out of this idea. I don't know how many times I've seen a somewhat negative comment, that made very little impact on anyone reading the review, remarked on by the provider. The guy responds and they are soon arguing it out in front of everyone. By the time it's all over most of the guys are thinking, "I could get this at home. I wouldn't see her on a bet." Besides there's already a provision for her to start a new thread about it in a DISCUSSION forum. I would leave it alone.
I like it better the way it is personally.
berkleigh's Avatar
I don't think its a good idea. Something may be written that may hurt her feelings. We all know that a lot lie about some activities so it would cause drama that isn't needed.
gman44's Avatar
I agree with Berkleigh

look where I am now
texasjohn1965's Avatar

recipe for disaster
If that ever happens... please give me the option to NOT know. I don't want to know details about what is said about me. If someone sees me because I have great reviews, THAT says enough to me.
I would hope that if someone thought there was something I could have done better, he would say so during a session. Communication is the key to outstanding moments of intimacy.
ANONONE's Avatar
I like the unique way that EECIE is handling this. I think time will show that the drama is reduced by this, and information leaks will quickly be exposed in this manner.

With that said, I can't help but to wonder how many gents would respond differently if the shoe was on the other foot? Imagine if the ladies were permitted to review us, with some comments being public and some being private, with no ability to post follow-up comments and clarify issues.

Ladies, I see your point, but I think we should trust the board leadership and see what happens. So far this board has been tremendously better than any other hobby spot i have ever visited and trust these guys to keep it that way.