Weight Loss Sugery for Hobby

Thinking very seriously about getting Weight Loss Surgery, not just for myself, but to better my Hobby experience. Does anyone know of any good doctors in the Dallas area and what has been your experience with it?

Also, how would someone with no insurance pay for it? Do they allow payment plans or would a cash patient have to pay up front?
Every Dr I have been to has an insurance price and a cash price. I went to a Doc-In-The-Box recently and they had price lists printed for insurance and cash payments. I suggest you interview several doctors, explain truthfully your situation and get their input. Tell staff upfront incase they don't take cash you won't waste your time. You might need to do this with not only the surgeon, but anesthesiologist, hospital, etc. if any of them are used. Best of luck on your new adventure and your new YOU.
Why not go the old fashioned route and work out? Might not be as fast, but it'll must more satisfying, and better in the long run anyway.
devour's Avatar
Why not go the old fashioned route and work out? Might not be as fast, but it'll must more satisfying, and better in the long run anyway. Originally Posted by xrival14
I second that. It's a fact that surgery is a bandaid. If you don't change eating habits and get even 15min good exercise a day... You just tack it back on.
Has your doctor told you that you need the surgery?

I've seen your pictures and you don't look obese which is a requirement for gastric bypass or stomach stapling.

Or do you mean liposuction?

I'm concerned that you're doing it for the hobby rather than for health reasons.
One of the things about these surgeries is that you lose weight really quickly and end up with saggy skin and saggy breasts. Not exactly what someone would post in ISO. So not only is diet and exercise healthier (you don't seem that large), it's also better financially unless you're ready to fork over for the post weight loss cosmetic surgeries as well.
timothe's Avatar
I had weight loss surgery three years ago and gained most of the 120lbs I lost back. The surgery I had was the gastric sleeve. The reason why I gained the weight back is that I learned how to eat around my smaller stomach by eating more often.

What's the point? The point is....no weight loss surgery will work unless you are totally committed to living the lifestyle of a fit person. You WILL go back to old habits. That's my experience.
I believe I am over weight enough to qualify as there are doctors out there that advertise to those 60 lbs or more overweight (Dr. Kim I believe) And yeah, diet and exercise is easier said than done. I've done some of the hardest diets out there, but with a thyroid condition, none of it matters.

And yeah, not just doing this for the hobby, but my personal appearance and outlook as well. It would definitely benefit my hobby life though as I would no longer have to advertise as BBW.
Boltfan's Avatar
Surgery isn't the answer.

I know far to many people, including some with contributing medical conditions, who have done the surgery and not been successful long term. That doesn't even count the other potential health issues created by having the surgery.

They key is diet and exercise. I personally am a big Advocare user. I have lost over 75 lbs and still have more to go and kept it off for almost two years. I eat plenty, I even splurge on occasion and I have contributing medical issues as well. I would be happy to discuss what I have done and make some recommendations.

I believe I am over weight enough to qualify as there are doctors out there that advertise to those 60 lbs or more overweight (Dr. Kim I believe) And yeah, diet and exercise is easier said than done. I've done some of the hardest diets out there, but with a thyroid condition, none of it matters.

And yeah, not just doing this for the hobby, but my personal appearance and outlook as well. It would definitely benefit my hobby life though as I would no longer have to advertise as BBW. Originally Posted by honeydavis
Randall Creed's Avatar
I think BustyAmy's setting a pretty good example.

Find out what she's been up to with her weight loss.
Big Joe's Avatar
Jake B's Avatar
Gym Membership
Fruits and Veggies
Lean meats

Eating healthy appears expensive, but if you think about how often you eat out and use that money on more healthy food instead it isn't so bad. That's my experience at least.

If you choose to go the surgery route, as suggested do interview multiple doctors. If possible look up their stats on successful operations and how they keep in touch weeks/months after surgery.
Ravasher's Avatar
A diet never works because that implys something temporary. What you need is a total lifestyle change. No sugar no grains no processed food it will work but it takes a lot of planning.
Why not go the old fashioned route and work out? Might not be as fast, but it'll must more satisfying, and better in the long run anyway. Originally Posted by xrival14
Im a great exercise buddy and advice giver. Feel free to pm. Even after surgery you will be expected to lead an active life (outside the bedroom) so its best to start now. Good luck !