I appreciate being able to be reviewed here but us ladies need a simpler way to make sure the person contacting then is Safe

I would really like to see is some way for a Verified Provider like Myself
To be able to give guys some sort of ratings in return after seeing them.

Some way that I can rate my experience Good or Bad

Anyone can write a review, and navigating thru the site to research that review and the girl who is being reviewed takes time...

Sometimes guys don't have time to write reviews or maybe they simply don't want to write a review about the experience. If there way a way to rate EACHOTHER Then that would be a way for ladies to feel safer when meeting someone new

I'd like to be able to click on a Gentleman's Profile and not only quickly be able to access the reviews he has done but also a list of women who have rated him and given him an ok...

Respectfully Miracle
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  • tml
  • 04-11-2014, 01:30 PM
FWIW, I least to an extent.

I think it should be client-initiated, personally. We can send a request to a provider for a reference......she checks a box or two (yes/no questions about "have you seen this client....would you see him again....etc."

Perhaps at the end, a SMS or tweet-length comments section for personal remarks. Such a request would take under a minute for the provider to respond to, but would allow for MUCH SIMPLER verification in many cases for new client/provider meetings (at least if they're both ECCIE members). But it allows both parties to choose to (or choose not to) participate in the system.
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  • LNK
  • 04-11-2014, 01:34 PM
Isn't this one purpose of the lady's powder room?

I don't know what the requirements to get in the powder room are, send a PM to your local mod, and they can get you in touch with the proper lady moderators, who should be able to help you.
Check out I am a member there and they have one of the greatest rating systems I've ever seen
tia travels's Avatar
Not all women have access to the powder room, so it wouldn't be beneficial to most ladies if the ratings were in the powder room...nor would it be beneficial to the ladies in the powder room if only a select number of women can rate.
Me for Example I have yet to gain access to the "Powder Room"
Very Good point Tia Travels ...
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 04-11-2014, 06:22 PM
There are also the various Infoshare forums located in all the locales. The purpose of those forums is to allow providers to share information about issues important to them, including clients. All Verified Providers have access to those forums.

The Powder Room forums are under the exclusive control of our female Staff members and they have their own criteria for entry. If you wish, you may contact them by email at to learn more and apply for access.
No where in info share can I find a list of ok users and the providers that have ok'ed them
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  • Mokoa
  • 04-11-2014, 09:57 PM
We generally do not endorse the idea of creating and maintaining such lists. Imagine if someone was misidentified as a, shall we say, bad apple when in fact he was nothing of the kind. The damage to his reputation that results is irreparable.
True true... It's really hard to explain but check out Humaniplex ...

When you register with them you start out as a level 0 then as you ok different people and they ok you back your user level rises after a significant amount of people have ok'd you ...
The highest level you can be is a Level 5 (it takes loads and loads of girls to ok you to be a level 5 )

Here is a small example

A level 5 member receives 1 negative rating from one girl ...
He will still remain a level 5 however when you view his network you will clearly see the name of the person who negatively rated him along with a list of ladies who positively rated him (at that point you can private message that person and ask about the negative rating or not depending on the date or if you feel the need )

People can change and having a rating system that keeps dates is very helpful
Another Example
If there were a rating system here and I myself Miracle marked a brand spanking new user as ok Today then another girl with a reputation just as good as mine ok'd that same person tomorrow then a Third provider being contacted by that brand spanking new user would quickly be able to look at his profile and say he must be ok (if she trust my judgement by looking at how long I've been here )

I've met lots of clients who find this helpful to avoid providers screening them and being to afraid to meet
I would think a would want to know if the guy is safe, and doesn't screw around with the donation. Beyond that, what else do you care about?

This info is available to providers on p411 or via personal references from other ASPs. Thieves, rapists, and killers are on the national blacklist sites.

Beyond that, there is a great potential for abuse and hurt feelings. If, for example, I find out my favorite provider is only rating me as a 6 out of 10, she may lose my business to the provider who has rated me an 8.

As a businessman, I use every tool in my arsenal to acquire new business. If I were to find out a competitor was making less than favorable comments about his clients, I would make sure those clients knew so I could get their business. This kind of thing happens all the time in the escort business.

So, every client who is not a thief or killer will be rated a 10.........and we're back to where we are now.
Please check out

I've tried to explain the rating system there it's one of the very best I've ever seen

Reading reviews that could be made up just isn't enough for me ...

I've talked to women here on Eccie who believe or think for certain that someone has reviewed them but in actuality they never met that person

That's why I find it necessary to do your homework on reviews

@hgritstoo I get your point but that's not the way ratings work... It's not designed to make u feel less liked ... It's designed so that ladies can quickly say your ok just by looking at your profile

To my knowledge anyone can get an account here including cops

With a network system in place things would run much smoother on both ends

Pretty Please take the time to check out
Eccie unlike p411 ask lots and lots of questions on the guys end before even issuing membership

Lots of guys here on Eccie don't have p411 they do not wish to go thru P411's extensive screening where you have to be verified and provide employment history etc.
LNK's Avatar
  • LNK
  • 04-12-2014, 10:10 AM
Eccie unlike p411 ask lots and lots of questions on the guys end before even issuing membership

Lots of guys here on Eccie don't have p411 they do not wish to go thru P411's extensive screening where you have to be verified and provide employment history etc. Originally Posted by MissMiracle
You don't have to go through the extensive screening if you see 2 providers that are members.

Of course, you have to go through their screening.