CLIQUES? GROUPS? Can someone tag me in???

So I've read, heard and it has also been told to me by several members here on ECCIE/Dallas board that there are some "groups", "cliques" or some sort..... I may have missed a memo or just a lil naive being an Independent provider here but ummmm.......Can i be in someone's group or clique? LOL
Somebody put me in the loop or bring me up to spend here in Dallas cause it's no fun being an outsider.

Just thought i'd say something because since moving here to Dallas although i'm not new to ECCIE or the hobby....certainly feels like someone picked teams and No one wants to Play???? hummmm......

Don't miss out on a Great one because you're too afraid to step out the box you guys besides......


If im not your cup of Tea then Let me put some *** in your milk instead.
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
I like slumming it on the regular boards.
what do u mean by that???
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
If I were a provider I would probably be interested in the secret places and try and use them for my advantage. But I'm just another hard dick. I'm only here for pussy and laughs. Not to make friends or money.
" I refuse to join any group that would have me as a member."
Groucho Marx

"The only parties I want to go to are the ones I am not invited to and vice versa."
OldGrump's Avatar
You will be invited to join after your first 10 free sessions. When do we start?

Seriously, there is always talk of groups and cliques. I suspect it is simply several hobbyists and/or providers that like to hang out together. Those of us who are in stealth mode don't get in on the action.

To advance your career, your best bet is to be known by getting involved in the forums by posting - no drama - and place ads as often as allowed.

Good Luck.
TexasCowboy's Avatar
Just be yourself....Looking through the posting on here one can see what to stay away from for it just leads to trouble....Treat a man like a man when both of you are together....With the many beautiful women on the board just go with the flow and show respect to others for there are many individuals that bring a lot of drama on here and it is a sure fire way to lose business...

You look very nice in your pictures so there should not be any problems at all....Post on here yet do it in a positive sense unless warranted otherwise....

threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
You will be invited to join after your first 10 free sessions. When do we start?

Seriously, there is always talk of groups and cliques. I suspect it is simply several hobbyists and/or providers that like to hang out together. Those of us who are in stealth mode don't get in on the action.

To advance your career, your best bet is to be known by getting involved in the forums by posting - no drama - and place ads as often as allowed.

Good Luck. Originally Posted by OldGrump
Did you say NO DRAMA? Do you know what site you're on OG? Lol
Exactly what OG said after "seriously"
LaidBack's Avatar
It's like any quality walk of life. Be cool, network, treat people right. Your circles/opportunities will expand naturally....
pyramider's Avatar
He forgot to mention posting taint ...
Grace Preston's Avatar
It is MUCH safer as an outsider. The moment you start letting too many girls into your personal bubble, the moment the clock starts ticking on that knife that will eventually be in your back. It is as inevitable as Pyramider asking for taint.
Seeking wisdom is always superior to seeking popularity. And a lot safer.
So I've read, heard and it has also been told to me by several members here on ECCIE/Dallas board that there are some "groups", "cliques" or some sort..... I may have missed a memo or just a lil naive being an Independent provider here but ummmm.......Can i be in someone's group or clique? LOL
Somebody put me in the loop or bring me up to spend here in Dallas cause it's no fun being an outsider.

Just thought i'd say something because since moving here to Dallas although i'm not new to ECCIE or the hobby....certainly feels like someone picked teams and No one wants to Play???? hummmm......

Don't miss out on a Great one because you're too afraid to step out the box you guys besides......


If im not your cup of Tea then Let me put some *** in your milk instead. Originally Posted by KARIE DEE
Well... I will pass along some of the best advice I got when i first joined ASPD... (hobby site before Eccie, yep I've been around for awhile!)

Best to stay in the shadows... at least until you've gotten a real good feel for who's who here...and who is best to stay away from... so to avoid drama, hating and back stabbing! This site can be extremely informative, and helpful, if used with discretion, however you can also find yourself in the middle of a "girls high school cat fight" if you're not careful...

Tread lightly.... and you will find your place before too long.
Take care and stay safe!

There are private forums which you have to be approved for in order to see.

ThatHotNurse started one in February called "Other People's Money" and was open about it and letting people PM her to be invited in. Here's one of her posts about it in open Co-Ed:

There's a private forum called The Spider Hole which I don't belong to so I can't tell you who is in charge, but it also has been openly discussed in open Co-Ed when members noticed some providers' signature blocks stating :"Discount for SH members. Membership has its privileges."

(I can't find that particular thread in Dallas Co-Ed, but here's a similar one in Louisiana:

A couple of years ago there were individual hidden threads for each of the types of parties (Poker Nights, Margarita Socials, Supper Club, etc.) But there aren't many of those anymore. The last one I went to hosted by Brown Sugar Baby was just posted about in Co-ed and members screened before individually sent the details. (That was in January, and i know she also had a St. Patrick's Day party last month.)