Girth Control's Avatar
Date: 04/11/2014
Provider: Sherry of DFW
Phone: 972-248-4638
Email Address: don't know
URL / Website:
City: Richardson
State: Texas
Address: Campbell by Raising canes
Appointment Type: Incall
Did the Appointment take place at the agreed-upon time?: Yes
Activities: None
Session Length: 60
Fee: $
Hair Length and Color: Gray
Age: 70 plus
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: White/Caucasian
Physical Description: She was an attractive Grandma, maybe because she was in lingerie. It was pretty awkward but she must have taken care of her body.
Recommendation: Yes
Guest042715's Avatar
Well that's probably the most unique "yes" I've read.
Bluesplyr's Avatar
wow...her preference i guess. i read a review about her great B&G...but asked for a pic since that is the only way i will see someone. she replied with a pretty rude response and at the end basically said we were not meant for each other. good riddance.
Hole N One's Avatar
Man a weird yes by any means!!! But that's what happen when provider don't screen and assume every black guy robs people!!!
Mrclean --- you are certainly a great sport! Sorry that happened to you.
  • rhyme
  • 04-14-2014, 04:59 PM
I am African American. I live in Houston. I have seen Sherry a few times and never felt it was a problem. Maybe it was because I am also in my 60's. (although most think I am in my 40's) I am old school clean cut and neatly dressed. (not saying the poster is not)

Once I was driving to Dallas from Houston on business. I called Sherry and tried to set up an appointment for the next day because it would be about 9:00 pm before I would hit town. We set it for 10:00 am the next day. Sherry called me back and stated the traffic was bad early mornings. She suggested I come straight to her place. She said she would start a fire in the fireplace and I could take a shower. I did exactly that and got one hell of a BBBJCIM on her bed in front of a warm fire.

I was just in the area last week but this time I saw Genie in a Bottle!!
Girth Control's Avatar
I actually went back and saw her the next week after we IM'd back and forth. She gave a great BBBJ and CIM!! Can't beat the price. I guess because I was so respectful we met eye to eye. I still reccomend