What is going on with the Texas men these days? I am reading so many posts by various men, mostly from Texas who are being so obnoxious and totally un-gentleman like to the ladies.
We ladies do what we do, but that does not mean we are not human, have feelings, have families, love, hate, hurt. We are not robots that can take abuse, and we are for the most part pretty damned smart and have our goals in life. Some of us are very giving, and that can be to a fault. But it sure seems like the men these days want to post continual complaints about women, and well, expecting the women on these boards and even off the boards to be all and do all, and for very little compensation, and with very little gratitude. Are you one of those guys who is having a hard time finding a lady to see? Are you getting no responses from your emails? Have you found that you just can’t get with a lady of a higher caliber? Then maybe you might want to start thinking about how you treat these women. Think carefully before you post your complaints too.
Hmmm.. so what is the deal? Did we just acquire a bunch of new men who have watched too much TV and think we should be treated as the media portrays us?
I don't know I am rambling.. I am going to bed now I think. Maybe I am just grouchy cause I am in pain, and this damned neck brace is driving me nuts..LOL
going to sleep now...