Any info on Renee BP?

Man, I almost wanna TOFTT but wondering if anyone has any info?
Swordmaster69's Avatar
Go to the door, if it is not her....leave. Don't stay. You may strike a gold mine on BP.
knotty man's Avatar
what ya got to lose?
Motels with cinder block walls are where all the upscale provides stay
I am in Waco a lot and I have never saw her before!!
I looked up her number she hasn't had anymore ads before only one so that is a red flag!! The number came back as a landline in Irving Texas
Beware my friend. Those pics have been floating around online for a long time.
Go to the door, if it is not her....leave. Don't stay. Originally Posted by Swordmaster69

If it IS her, let us know immediately.