Forums opinion on private messages and warnings

Hello everyone...seems a certain user on this site, who shall remain nameless, can dish it out but can't take it (shocking I know). Anyway I got a pm from a mod telling me I'd basically be banned because I was harassing this person via pm. Can't you just hit the block button? Not to mention this said person actually messaged ME at 530 am before going to cry to the teacher! Lmfao you gotta be kidding! I do as I was told, take it out of the public forum...and this is what I get? If that's the rule then ban me now idgaf. I just think that if you're a man who is quite capable of "dishing it out" then you should probably be just as gracious taking it. Although lets face it, this person had no friends in school, was probably picked on everyday, and was probably picked last in gym class too. With a haircut like that who wouldn't be! Well just seeing what the public thinks.
Crunch, he/they know how to play the system. Hang around, he/they will self destruct soon enough.
Plastic Man's Avatar
Crunch, he/they know how to play the system. Hang around, he/they will self destruct soon enough. Originally Posted by Howdy Do Me
wanna make a pointless interweb bet on that? ...a case of dildos to the "winner"
Just a HE. Ya it's sickening. Reminds me of a little girl running and telling on one of her fifth grade friends.
Just a HE. Ya it's sickening. Reminds me of a little girl running and telling on one of her fifth grade friends. Originally Posted by sucrunchman
Just like you are doing with this post.....

Gain some cred around here and get yourself banned already....

When I said I wanted the forums opinion, I should have said everyone in the forum except Paul. Idk why you constantly comment on my threads. Do you have a male crush on me? If the mods wanna ban me they can I don't really care. I just find it funny that a grown man, and I use that term loosely, can't handle someone messaging him on an escort board. He has to go run to the mods. Especially when there's a block button! That's just funny to me. I think I'll be banned soon, I can tell that's what they wanna do.
When I said I wanted the forums opinion, I should have said everyone in the forum except Paul because he can see right through me and cut to the chase like no other. Originally Posted by sucrunchman
There. Fixed that for ya.
What do you see through? Funny thing is you really think you're right!
Wat do you and ur girlfriend do for fun and relaxation, besides whoring around? Y'all like to feel good, mabe order delivery or sumtin? And who washes the sheets after jimmy skids across them?
I don't have a gf jj. I'm a single guy
What do you see through? Funny thing is you really think you're right! Originally Posted by sucrunchman
You and XY competing today for most posts without ACTUALLY saying anything ???
I'm tired of both of you.
Time for nine holes and a visit to Tiffs Ton.....
Wanna meet me there XY? It's been too long....
Oh thought y'all was cohabiting!
Lol no I'm single. I have a new found liking for xy and it's basically because I can tell he hates you paul, almost as much as I do. You're pretty annoying though so I probably would like anyone who disliked you.
Plastic Man's Avatar
...the enemy of my enemy is my enemies enemy therefore my enemy has an enemy and an enemy is my enemy
...the enemy of my enemy is my enemies enemy therefore my enemy has an enemy and an enemy is my enemy Originally Posted by Plastic Man
WHOA TOOK ME A MINUTE but I got it (Im pretty sure). And that is awesome.