Multimedia Producer | Photographer | Videographer Special Offer

Offering Highly Discounted Rates For a Couple Clients

I am a multimedia producer located in the DFW area. I attended film school at UT, and have worked on television shows, movies, and now do mostly corporate work. I shoot both photography and video with very high end gear...

- Nikon D800 (Stills + HD 1080 Video)
- Panasonic HVX2000 (Video HD 1080)
- Full Lighting (Standard and new LED which put off very little heat)

I also build high end websites that are totally awesome compared to most sites I see. One of the easiest things to do is build a killer site that is responsive so that it works well on a desktop or mobile device.

I can integrate cheap phone service, forms, etc.


I am looking for some very fashionable, model types (2-3) that I can shoot and produce websites for so that I can build a portfolio specific to this niche for future marketing purposes. I can guarantee you that what I produce is the highest quality you can get and am happy to provide some examples if you PM me. Unfortunately, I cannot post my current portfolio because my clients would not allow it.


If you have pictures and just need a killer website for a great deal then I would consider offering a significant discount on that as well. However, I do not want to work with low quality images.

PM me if interested and I would be happy to answer any questions and discuss prices & options. At this time I am only looking to do 2-3 projects.


coming to the DFW area this month want to know if you available for photoshoot and could I get price quote.