We got a lot of Latina providers pretending to be Italian in their profiles.
If you have Hispanic facial features, speak with a mousy voice, and have a maiden last name of Martinez or Rodriguez, you’re not Italian. Quit pretending to be someone you’re not. If you’re a Mexican, take pride in your racial heritage and don't be ashamed.
We got a lot of White providers pretending to be Indian in their profiles.
If you have pale skin, blue eyes, and blond hair, you’re not Native American. Having a great grandmother who was ¼ Native American doesn’t make you an Indian. Quit pretending to be someone you’re not. If you’re a White, take pride in your racial heritage. Quit feeling guilty for all of the horrific things your ancestors did to all of us minorities.
We got a lot of Black providers pretending to be white in their profiles.
If you experience discrimination from hobbyists and fellow providers, have white people lock their car doors and clinch their wallets and purses when you walk by, and can’t catch a taxi, your ass is as black as mine. Quit pretending to be someone you’re not. If you’re a Black, take pride in your racial heritage and don't be ashamed.