Take it back!

gfejunkie's Avatar
I wrote this a couple of weeks ago for the folks down in San Antonio.
It is actually appropriate board wide.


It is within the power of all good people of San Antonio/Austin to take their board back. It's pretty simple really.

There are those who would have you believe they think the most important thing is "the free flow of information". However, they are known to be liars and purveyors of baseless rumors. Believe me. I know only too well. That being said, just how reliable can this" free flowing information" be? How can you be sure what is truth and what is not?

Rely on your own trusted sources for information and advice... For they are legion! You know who they are. They've been here for years. Your friends. Your mentors. Your confidants.

Every one of you have an "ignore" function in your settings. Use it generously. Let them have their side of the board. You take back yours!

When it comes to trolls (and that's really all they are) ostracism is the key. Do not engage or otherwise "feed" the trolls. That is what they thrive on. Ignore, ignore, ignore. Resist, resist, resist. It'll piss'em off! Eventually they will only have their own little corner of the board to throw their vileness around... at each other!

You have to decide where your own happiness resides. Don't allow them to make that decision for you. Only you have the power for that.

Take it back!
Still Looking's Avatar
Heh...could someone please quote GFEJuckie I have him on ignore so I can't read his post.
sixxbach's Avatar
Take the board back?

Back to the days of you and TC2? No thanks! You and and your former cohort pointed and banned for petty rules violations, deleted threads. We want to go back to that?

With ASPD, you were able to pull your crap and get away with it. You let this so called power we had as moderators get to your head. We are here to help our members get the most out of these sites, approve reviews, verify new providers. You and your pal(s) used your positions to create a place where if you went against the grain, you were singled out.

Your posts lately have been rude and dare I say, trollish? Yet, you have received no warnings or points whatsoever. Unlike your time as a mod at ASPD and brief ECCIE run, we do allow our members to express themselves with tolerance. We will intervene at some point. There are some immediate comments that will require immediate action such as racism. However, the Austin mod staff doesn't have the patrol cop mentality that you guys displayed.

Take it back? Perhaps, you should step back. "We" took it back and keeping it.

gfejunkie's Avatar
Victim or minion?

Let me guess..
Whispers's Avatar
Take the board back?

Back to the days of you and TC2? No thanks! You and and your former cohort pointed and banned for petty rules violations, deleted threads. We want to go back to that?

Vanishing threads... You left out that they did much of what they did for the benefit of a small group of women... including... protecting those in exchange for?...

With ASPD, you were able to pull your crap and get away with it.

Not in the beginning and they were losing control at the end but for a while the Admin of the board had the same "sold out" mentality... It's a shame what a little free pussy does to some guys....

You let this so called power we had as moderators get to your head. That they did.

We are here to help our members get the most out of these sites, approve reviews, verify new providers. You and your pal(s) used your positions to create a place where if you went against the grain, you were singled out.

Hell... I was warned, via PM and EMAIL BEFORE I arrived in Austin that my posting style would not be tolerated.... Outside all the guidelines in place across the country Austin was run in a very unique manner... Kind of like Nazi Germany....

Your posts lately have been rude and dare I say, trollish? Yet, you have received no warnings or points whatsoever. "Stalkerish" even... When someone only has comments directed towards a single member that tends to rise to those terms don't you think?

Unlike your time as a mod at ASPD and brief ECCIE run, we do allow our members to express themselves with tolerance. We will intervene at some point. There are some immediate comments that will require immediate action such as racism. However, the Austin mod staff doesn't have the patrol cop mentality that you guys displayed. Gestapo Mentality would be more accurate....

Take it back? Perhaps, you should step back. "We" took it back and are keeping it.

sixx Originally Posted by sixxbach
Well said....

That "Modsquad" was composed of what? One guy firmly in the pocket of a local Agency, another that insisted, coerced and was rumored to force bareback on new girls, and a recurring "let's look out for the local ladies" attitude....

New girls could not get their foot in the door..... Guys that posted in the SC or SW sections were considered scum..... Traveling Providers were intentionally booked and no showed all the time.....

Hell.... That last part still seems to happen....

What else... Mods actually edited/rewrote sections of reviews..... intimidated guys to remove negative comments from reviews.....


Those days are never happening again....
gfejunkie's Avatar

More cheese to go with that whine?
nuglet's Avatar
Heh...could someone please quote GFEJuckie I have him on ignore so I can't read his post. Originally Posted by Still Looking
really? then how did you see his post, and even more curious, why add to the feed?
Whispers's Avatar

More cheese to go with that whine? Originally Posted by gfejunkie
You are the only whiner posting....

Really man.... Sour Grapes after 4 years? LMAO!
gfejunkie's Avatar

I get it!

Little Monster's Avatar
Wow well this threAD did not fare so well
I surely missed something hmmm
Whispers's Avatar
Wow well this threAD did not fare so well
I surely missed something hmmm Originally Posted by Annika
Think back to ASPD when some of the girls disliked you and the way you did business... They picked up the phone and called one of the PocketMods of the same caliber old gfejunkie was and presto... you were banned....

Now when the transition to ECCIE began there was already a movement underway to "take back the boards" as gfe refers to.... and with ownership here at ECCIE much more intune with what people wanted, it took only a short time for that whole ASPD crew to get run out of Dodge so to say....

I got a lot of blame for that as once the ADMIN changed at ASPD, pointing and banning Whispers and others like me became something that ADMIN would not tolerate simply because our opinions were not in line with the MODS. That continued here on ECCIE and within a few months pretty much everything that was corrupt about ASPD and early Austin ECCIE was done and over with....

gfe here was one of those power mad sell his soul for some pussy mods at the time and when ECCIE Ownership would not back his gestapo style mod tactics he and the others like him were gone.

he seems to have been carrying that grudge for a long time and is rather fixated on me.

As you can tell lately... he has finally been reduced to whining and name calling as he has no real ground to stand on... and lacks any relevance whatsoever...

He's bitter and it's been festering a long time obviously.
gfejunkie's Avatar
Wow well this threAD did not fare so well
I surely missed something hmmm Originally Posted by Annika
You mean this one...


"(staff edit; questionable content removed pending further review; ztonk)"

gfejunkie's Avatar
He's bitter Originally Posted by Whispers
Who's really coming off as "bitter" and "who's having more fun than a human being should be allowed to have"?

My job is done here. See'ya...

Fuckin' troll!
Posted to the wrong thread. Sorry.