how do I get provider status?

April DFW's Avatar
Please help me

Namssa's Avatar
Submit your info to the staff at

1. website address (your website or advertising site)
2. referral from another provider or hobbyist
3. links to reviews from recognized members (any site)

Any combination of the above requirements which will sufficiently establish you as a legit provider will be accepted.
April DFW's Avatar
I have submitted that info but no response. How long does it take?
I have searched for your email, even in the spam folder and can't find it. Please submit the information once again and reference this thread in the email or provide a link to your handle.

The address once again is
I have searched for your email, even in the spam folder and can't find it. Please submit the information once again and reference this thread in the email or provide a link to your handle.

The address once again is Originally Posted by Matador

Blue and underlined usually means it is a hyperlink.

The information you seek is here:

I do not know April personally. She has been around Dallas for quite some time. I remember she was the figurehead for a studio off of Manana at one point.