New law allowing Gov to monitor e-mails and private messages and on ALL social networking groups.

WASHINGTON – Broad new regulations being drafted by the Obama administration would make it easier for law enforcement and national security officials to eavesdrop on Internet and e-mail communications like social networking Web sites and BlackBerries, The New York Times reported Monday.
The newspaper said the White House plans to submit a bill next year that would require all online services that enable communications to be technically equipped to comply with a wiretap order. That would include providers of encrypted e-mail, such as BlackBerry, networking sites like Facebook and direct communication services like Skype.
Federal law enforcement and national security officials say new the regulations are needed because terrorists and criminals are increasingly giving up their phones to communicate online.
"We're talking about lawfully authorized intercepts," said FBI lawyer Valerie E. Caproni. "We're not talking about expanding authority. We're talking about preserving our ability to execute our existing authority in order to protect the public safety and national security."

First the Patriot Act and Now THIS! This obvious agenda is not a Rep nor a Dem thing. Much more ominous than that IMHO. Doesn't matter which side is in office as the objective appears to be the same. Remove ALL privacy rights and control completely.

How will this affect ECCIE and similar boards? Only time will tell but it is certainly something to take seriously and prepare for NOW.

Time to stop wasting limited valuable board time with cat fighting and start using the board to generate friendly trustworthy hobby contacts and connections while we can. Guys may want to create a personal backup of pics and numbers of favs and must see's just in case.

When ASPD went down many hobbyists simply stopped hobbying because Craigs and BP are just too risky. Even riskier now. Many of these guys Still aren't hobbying because they do not know about ECCIE. I didn't for two years. That is alot of lost play and dollars.

Perhaps it is time to rev up the social gatherings which by the way is another solution to helping to keep Austin dollars local. I'm surprised none of us thought of that.
RoundRockSecret's Avatar
And I just got my new Blackberry. Time to switch to Droid.
Yet another reason to vote democrats out of office. These people are hell bent on destroying this country.
Yet another reason to vote democrats out of office. These people are hell bent on destroying this country. Originally Posted by Billy_Saul
Patriot Act was Rep. As I said it doesn't matter which side sits in the chair as far as this topic goes. Pleez let's not turn this thread into a heated and divisive political debate. That is not the point nor the topic at hand.
The proposed legislation isn't too far removed from the 2006-2007 requirement that all telecommunications providers be technically equipped to comply with any wiretapping ordered via the issuance of a warrant.

Each of the Internet service & email providers and/or social networks already have systems in place to save, access and read private messages. No one here actually believes that any Internet communication is actually private, do they? The proposed legislation simply makes it a requirement that technology be in place to expedite government surveillance of the accounts upon the issuance of a warrant.

Despite the blatant overreachings of both the Bush and Obama administrations with regard to "protecting" our citizens from terrorism, I'm not concerned about this particular step.

Now, as far as reducing the negativity on this board, and beginning to develop more positive, constructive relationships within the community... I'm all for it, and so are a number of the ladies. But I can tell you with a great deal of certainty than unless the men around here start treating the ladies less like "products" to be bought, sold and discounted at will, and more like women offering the most precious thing they have - themselves - in exchange for a donation, then the community won't get very far.
LadiesFan's Avatar
Yet another reason to vote democrats out of office. These people are hell bent on destroying this country. Originally Posted by Billy_Saul
The Republican sponsored Patriot Act already gave the gov't this ability... this is just an attempt to keep spying on Americans in case the Patriot Act is repealed.

Now, as far as reducing the negativity on this board, and beginning to develop more positive, constructive relationships within the community... I'm all for it, and so are a number of the ladies. But I can tell you with a great deal of certainty than unless the men around here start treating the ladies less like "products" to be bought, sold and discounted at will, and more like women offering the most precious thing they have - themselves - in exchange for a donation, then the community won't get very far. Originally Posted by Natalie Reign
Thanks Natalie.
The fact is men in general do view what the ladies offer as a Product they are Paying For Period. Why? Because it is Not in actuality a donation which implies non profit organization. It is hard earned income for a service.
The ladies view the the men as a Source of Income. This won't change ever period!

The point is to get past this and establish closer social ties now while we can so both side can continue to benefit if and when this and similar boards become to great a risk to use.

If the community doesn't get past this as you say then men will simply get GF's or FWB's and the ladies will get day jobs. No one can control the male perception of the hobby nor the female perception.
TexRich's Avatar
I am voting Republican across the board!
I don't have a problem with the reasoning behind this bid from the government. I do however have problems when these laws are left wide open to interpretation and violate personal privacy.

Maybe this law, in practice, should be similar to a psychiatrist or preacher receiving 'confessions'. The people using these services should have basic rights of protection unless they are premeditating harm to another. Although I'm certain LE will get bored and find a way around the limitations if the mood strikes.

Maybe we should all find another way to communicate online for the sole purpose of meeting up. Boards such as these will definitely be targeted (eventually) so trading personal e-mails and info to chat outside the boards may be a positive starting point for meetings and getting better acquainted. Esp. if you feel the law will stay out of more personal matters and e-mails.

The community will adapt no matter what it entails. We are a strong bunch of hornballs who will never admit Be safe and have a ball.
RoundRockSecret's Avatar
Maybe we should all find another way to communicate online for the sole purpose of meeting up. Boards such as these will definitely be targeted (eventually) so trading personal e-mails and info to chat outside the boards may be a positive starting point for meetings and getting better acquainted. Esp. if you feel the law will stay out of more personal matters and e-mails.

The community will adapt no matter what it entails. We are a strong bunch of hornballs who will never admit Be safe and have a ball. Originally Posted by heather nicole
I think that is lines this thread here is taking -->
Dagny D.E.W.'s Avatar
Just another great reason to quit at the end of the lease. Big Brother!
I am voting Republican across the board! Originally Posted by TexRich
Are you implying that you would have voted Democrat "across the board" were it not for this legislation?

Yeah right!
TexRich's Avatar
Are you implying that you would have voted Democrat "across the board" were it not for this legislation?

Yeah right! Originally Posted by bigtex
dude, that was my bait, you were my fish and I caught you as usual reading my shit!
angler's Avatar
Hey whatever happened to "you have nothing to worry about if you have nothing to hide?"

If we can't trust our own national authorities then who can we trust? Nobody?
thats why i am a LIBERTARIAN party member