Hello All. I have a little something to share. So one of my clients decided he wanted to get a P411 account. I went ahead and vouched for him and all was well....until he PM'd the other day and said that a provider (whos name he didnt give) told him she wouldnt see him because he seen me and im a black girl. I couldnt believe that!!! Do providers really do that dumb shit?
Im sorry but the only color i ever see in this business is GREEN. Im not one of those providers who wont see someone based on color, although that is the providers preference i understand that. But when you start denying services because the client has seen a provider of a race that isnt yourse is just plain ol stupid.
My client told me he responded to her and said well thats okay ill just see Kammye again!! And went on about his day. But decided to let me know anyway. I just want to say that whoever does this, shame on you. Not only is it ignorance of your part but its down right stupid. I wouldnt care if the provider was rainbow i would never base me seeing someone off the providers race!! SMH. Okay rant over. If anyone else has ever heard of this, please feel free and share your story. Thanks and have a great day everyone!!!! xoxoxo, Kam.