~`Just remember Its NOT my Fault`~

Because I have been thinking about what knotty said, and the boards being so slow. I am going to get Naked run through this forum and Poke everyone right in the Belly Button..................
Then when I get asked about it hehehe it was not me it was my evil twin
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RKGixxer's Avatar
Do we get to poke you back?.....Might not be in the belly button tho...
knotty man's Avatar
Lol. You know Ill have to poke you back. Especially today, cuz I'm a mother fucker
tttalinky's Avatar
I would love to see you in your running suit!

If you can catch me lol You can Poke me. LMAo knotty i just fell off my bed you are to funny.
Linky all you have to do is come see me
Bluesplyr's Avatar
Love the new pics hottie.....need to get back to central tx.
TY Blue and yes you do