And I would like to hear other opinions on this, I really would.
I have more than a couple of real world friends (women) who have chosen to never be a birthing canal. Their choice, I support them...
However, this is MOTHERS DAY...not I HAVE A DOG OR CAT DAY.
A few of them openly discuss how they are "Moms". I shy away from those conversations cause I have kids. I have seen Moms in action. I have been in delivery rooms, gone through La Maze classes, rubbed aching backs, helped nurse back to health after difficult deliveries. I have watched a Mom (my own) lose a child early in life (my brother) and what it did to her. I have watched some of these women I discuss mourn over a lost pet for a couple months, and replace it with a puppy and not much further thought about the original "pet child"...
I find it offensive that someone with a Dog tries to grab some spotlight on what is a celebration holiday for Moms.
Agree? Disagree? Your thoughts if any?