So should there by any sacred "off" days?

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I'd like to start my topic by wishing everyone here, who it applies to, a belated Happy Mother's Day.

I started this topic yesterday, and I was available to work, and didn't actually post it until now.

Which brings me to my topic. Is there any day that people like us, the collective "we", should just take off because it's the morally and socially correct thing for us to do? Start snickering now. This topic may get worse.

There are some who take Sunday's off. Period. If a client were to offer this type of woman a lot of money to visit, she may relent but most of the time? It's her day off.

I don't have days that I set aside like that. My days off are days of opportunity.

And I'm probably not writing that correctly but I will take a day off. But that day usually isn't going to be busy. Or it's around 2 or 3 and nothing has happened yet and so I just "turn off" for the rest of the day.

Or there is some compelling reason why I'm not going to work a certain day and I allow myself that luxury.

But most days, I'm available to work. All of the time. And I've thought that designating one day as my regular day off was a good idea but in my life, and the way that my business turns, it never seemed very practical to me.

So what does everyone think? Should we never work on a Christmas Day? (I have with no apologies) Should we mothers take Mother's Day off? Is it probably good for the psyche to have one day a week, set aside, as an official day off?

I'd like to know the thoughts of others. Thanks!

pyramider's Avatar
There will always be someone that has no family tie ups to kill a day. Taint knows no vacation.
Great topic - I actually thought about this during Christmas. I don't think the hobby should take days off but individuals should based on their life. I would not hobby on Christmas but for a provider and client that are alone that meeting could be the highlight of their day. Yesterday for example - what if a lady can't see her kids? Sitting alone doing nothing could be terrible but having a session may take her mind off the RW.

I'm a big fan of to each their own. I don't look down on someone taking a day or time off. No matter what the day, if both parties are good then everyone is happy.
I think a lot of ladies wonder about this. There are a lot of provider ads for: "Hey its my Birthday!" so it would seem that most ladies don't mind working even on their own special holiday, let alone a nationally recognized one.

It really boils down to personal preference and opportunity. Not everyone is in the same situation all the time, every year. Maybe a mom can't be with her kids that day due to time and travel constraints so providing is how she copes with it to avoid being depressed about not seeing her children (not saying that is your case, EW, just a likely scenario that popped up in my head. Edit: and apparently EL's too lol). Or maybe it's Christmas or Thanksgiving and people can't get to their family for some reason.

My first Christmas providing, the weather was too bad for me to travel up north and I was stuck in my place alone all day. The view was great and I really do enjoy solitude and being alone, but at the time I would have liked some company. However, posting that I was available just didn't seem right (which is stupid looking back). I guess I figured everyone had made their plans already and I didn't want anyone coming over just bc they felt sorry for me.

I'm having to take A LOT of days off recently and it SUCKS!!! Yesterday was blessing - all of it - not knocking Mother's Day at all. Wouldn't change it for anything in the world.

BUT! LOL I can honestly say part of me would have rather been fucking my brains out! Haha! So You go girl!!!
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Thanksgiving is a big, personal, holiday for me. I just love it.

This past Thanksgiving, a regular out of town client was driving through Dallas and wanted to see me that evening.

We had an absolutely wonderful time together and it just worked out perfectly with my schedule.

So I'm not knocking working on holidays. Yesterday, I was available. But by about 2 PM, it was just looking like the phone wasn't going to ring and so in my mind, I decided that the day probably wasn't going to include an appointment and so I watched a few documentaries and started a new book.

It was actually a very good day! (Although I'll admit, I kept my eye out for an opportunity!)

However, I think that it would be emotionally very good to say, take every Sunday off. Or a Saturday. Or heck, BOTH!

But for me, I can have a super slow week and bank like the Devil on a weekend. So I'm just not keen on having a solid day off with each week.

I liked the comment, though, about being alone on a holiday and that having an appointment would be beneficial for both parties.

I certainly agree with that!

"Taint takes no holiday". That made me laugh.

Great topic EW. Personally, I take days off all the time. I only hobby around my RW responsibilities anyway, but there are days that I could see clients and just choose not to. Being a GFE provider is more mentally tiring at times than the physical. So, in order to stay on top of my game, I refuse to literally wear myself out. Burn out is never a good look. I want to continue enjoying my time with friends, so I feel it's imperative to make sure I am always in a proper state of mind.
Lol @ "bank like the Devil". Can I use that some time?

+1 Kendall. Its good to stay genuinely interested in company. I can see why it is hard to take any specific set days off.

Some days we feel like a Nut; some days we don't! Lol
melannie_star's Avatar
I do take Sundays off. It is a day I take to myself and for my kiddo. Ever so often I make acceptions for some of my returning clients whom I adore, Sunday evenings.. but other than that, I think it is healthy for the body and mind to take a day out of the week for yourself. Do anything and everything un-hobby related Then come back on Monday willing and Mothers day and other holidays are a mandatory day off for me. I love to celebrate everything.. including 4th of So to catch me on those days.. is a very slim chance.

Even weather days.. I remember when it was ice/snowing for days.. I had never had so many request for outcalls. I was like OMG.. too dangerous. I personally wouldn't risk myself. Then as the weather cleared.. back to
I agree with you Melanie. Its good to take a day off a week just to clear your head, rest up, or do something not hobby related. When I'm off work, I dont even want to think about work.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Lol @ "bank like the Devil". Can I use that some time?... Originally Posted by thathottnurse
I hear ya. Sundays are my fun day. Its kid time and family time and church. Sundays are my Sundays Fundays. And you cant forget it is boating time and wake boarding time.
During football season I take every Sunday off.
Maybe one Sunday last season did I work.. And only because I lived in Vegas and a regular came in and we spent the day together in the sports books.. Lol.

I take my birthday off.

I take off days here and there.

I know it's tough because we always think if we say no to something we are missing out on money, but everyone has to take days off. It helps with your sanity.
Ya of course we need to take days off. Everyone does. No matter what they do.

I'm thankful as a provider that I have the freedom to take the days off that I want. RW jobs are rarely that lenient.

For instance, if you work in a hospital or other 24hr healthcare facility, there is no question that you will work holidays. You literally have to decide by numerical value when they are getting ready to make the schedules which holidays are a priority for you: (1 being: I really need this holiday off to 5 being: I'm totally fine working this holiday); they break it down by Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Years Eve and New Years Day. You might get two off if you are lucky but odds are that most holidays you will have to work. And bdays? Unless you request your bday off two months in advance, then the odds are you will be working unless you can find someone to switch with.

But ya you still get days off. Just not usually holidays or even any reliably scheduled days off. Just the usual minimum of 4 days on, 3 days off, then 3 days on, 4 days off (well as far nursing anyway).

Providers have it made as far as schedules go. M-A-D-E. Made.

I love it!
It probably depends on how much you enjoy your job. I work 7 days a week, usually half days on Sat/Sun. I have worked on all major holidays. I have even had a customer call me on Christmas Day thinking they were going to leave a msg and I answered the phone. Work as much or as little as you want. Remember, we all have only so many prime working years. You decide what you want to do with them.
melannie_star's Avatar
It probably depends on how much you enjoy your job. I work 7 days a week, usually half days on Sat/Sun. I have worked on all major holidays. I have even had a customer call me on Christmas Day thinking they were going to leave a msg and I answered the phone. Work as much or as little as you want. Remember, we all have only so many prime working years. You decide what you want to do with them. Originally Posted by dallaswill

I enjoy my god given duties, so called a job, very much.. doesn't mean I don't enjoy life as well. Some of us have families and friends that we neglect during the week, because of the demand of always being "readily available."
Just because we take days off does not necessarily mean we enjoy our job any less.

As far as only having so many prime years.. well, I will be 29 next month and believe we, as providers, are like a fine wine. Gets better with age.
Even though "looks" plays a big part in attracting cliental,
It takes experience to know how to keep them.