Providers on Twitter?

Hey everyone,

I've been following the local Eccie community here in NOLA and hobbying for about a year and a half now. I've seen a few providers (mostly independents who tour) with Twitter accounts.

I was wondering if any of the local providers are on Twitter?
@PSeeking Originally Posted by Seeking ~P
Followed! Thanks
billtrum's Avatar
Damn seeking p! Those are some lips!!!
echoinsilence's Avatar
Followed as well!
Madame X's Avatar
I'm not a local, but I am excited to visit I'm @Mme_XXX

Also, I've been following Annie Calhoun, @NOLACourtesan - she seems like a sweetheart
I'm on Twitter as well
As am I.
Old Horn Dog's Avatar
I'm on Twitter as well Originally Posted by LovelyLolita
OK--I've heard of Twitter & ignored it for years since I'm old. HOWEVER, if LL is on it... <sigh> how-does-it-work-how-fucking-complicated-is-it-what-do-I-have-to-do?... B/c if LL is on it, it's worth it. Even if it IS another goddam-electronic-social-thing-y.
I joined Twitter to increase my social media, but honestly I hardly ever post. I mainly stay on twitter to look at all the sexy pics posted . If you do join I would recommend using a hobby name, hobby email. No personal info.
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 05-18-2014, 01:31 PM
As am I. Originally Posted by Nicolet
I follow Nicolet and Megan Love
Damn seeking p! Those are some lips!!! Originally Posted by billtrum
They're a little something something ....
.... I follow back
@PSeeking followed @Keri_2114