Obviously the wonderful providers (whom I am very thankful for, whenever I happen to be single; as I currently am) are here to make ends meet... And sex is a vehicle for income- it's work- for them.
I've been curious about this lately.
Because sex is a lot of fun... In my personal opinion, it's ALWAYS better when there is no money involved, and the other individual is having sex with you because they LIKE you and want to be with you. That's not to say that hobbying isn't a TON of fun, but there is a very clear and discernable difference between "hobbying" and sex in the "real world", wouldn't you agree?
So, that being the case- how does 'sex for work' happen to affect, enhance, or diminish sex for a provider in "the real world"? Does it have any affect?
Personally, you won't find me doing my job on my time off, but then again, I'm an accountant/office manager/insurance agent- hardly the kind of job that can bring someone joy regardless of the circumstances... Does that translate to your chosen field? Or am I in left field here?
On a similar note, I'm also curious if any of you ladies have ever had an appointment with someone who was so attractive/cool/smart/funny/great in bed, etc... That you wanted to see them again in "the real world" sans the business element?
How do you handle "dating", "boyfriends", "girlfriends", etc...
I find what you do to be utterly fascinating, because it is at once an unstoppable force, for which there is ALWAYS a very high demand; and also decried by many for myriad reasons- sensical and non- so most people tend to just ignore the trials and tribulations, as it were.
SOOOO... Thoughts?