My Cat Saved My Son

This clip has been all over the Interwebs.....
Even made the National TV News last night.

But after watching, seems here's something fishy about this....

seen it earlier on hln doesn't seem fishy at all to me that was a full blown attack on the kid from the dog don't know how that can be faked
Look at all the different camera angles shown. WTF why would all that camera work be done instead of protecting the kid from the dog in the first place?
It's a surveillance system.
omg...that brings back horrible memories for me..i was bitten
by a friends dog when i was 4 years of the most traumatic
experiences Ive ever had as a child...tore my arm up and well even though
the scars are barely noticeable to others, they are huge to me.. still scared shitless of dogs that are bigger than the
taco bell dog's puppies.....
yea jb, I gotta give props to that cat! Its freaking cool as shit!!
Frankie Fine's Avatar
I think it is real, do not spoil the kitty power Celso
Yeah this story was just on the Noon News again and made it sound like a surveillance system caught it.

Never underestimate pussy power, eh Frankie....
Fancyinheels's Avatar
I'd say the cat earned his tuna for life. I'd even throw in a tin of caviar.

pyramider's Avatar
He would probably like a chihuahua burrito better.
mess with the wrong pussy and you can get burned