Where did my Clesed thread go?

It's just gone??
Not even clesed??? It just got disappeared???
Wussup wid dat Pittsburgh??
AmishGangster's Avatar
Pistolero deemed it non hobby related and moved it to the sandbox. He's a rebel like that.
Pistolero deemed it non hobby related and moved it to the sandbox. He's a rebel like that. Originally Posted by amishgangster
That's crap -- It was all hobby related.
AmishGangster's Avatar
Thats what I said. Go complain in the Sandox
  • BSer
  • 05-16-2014, 10:24 PM
Hey Paul, there is a local hooker site called indys. They delete everything no explanation ever given,
Pistolero's Avatar
pauly, the thread was about closed threads. Not a hobby subject.

Putting threads in the right forum is why Pittsburgh has such a large Sandbox. Lots of off hobby threads.

You would think with all the sand in the sandbox that there would be more pussy around.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Nope they just sneak in and shit and don't even try to cover it up.
AmishGangster's Avatar
That's because you fuckers filled it with non clumping sand
AmishGangster's Avatar
pauly, the thread was about closed threads. Not a hobby thread. Originally Posted by Pistolero

Wait, then why hasn't this thread also been moved to the sandbox?
pauly, the thread was about closed threads. Not a hobby subject.

. Originally Posted by Pistolero
All of the closed threads were hobby related.... making the Clesed Thread thread hobby related. Gotta keep these closed threads available... they are invaluable as a teaching tool....
AmishGangster's Avatar
Nope they just sneak in and shit and don't even try to cover it up. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Haha I know these three cows, they snuck into a special place and tried to obtain blackmail info against some cowboys, never got smart to even attempt to cover their tracks. Bitches be trippin yo