Dan Patrick -- the next big thing for the Tea Party

Yssup Rider's Avatar
it seems that former sportscaster, hate radio monger and tea party darling, Texas Senator Dan Patrick, has a history of mental health issues and has been hospitalized after at least suicide attempt.

Its also been reported that he's had financial problems, didn't pay his taxes, and has been sued for a number reasons.

I don't know if it's great strategic politics, and it very well may blow up in the incumbent's face, but it's pretty important that the people of Texas realize that Patrick (Goeb is his real name) has been unstable for years and is prone to fits of pique.

Does that matter to the white God fearing people of Rock Ridge? Are you going to vote for him just because he's supported by the Texas Teawipes or do you think the office of Lieutenant Governor -- he most powerful position in Texas Government -- is worth a second look?

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Treatment 30 years ago? You bitch about Benghazi being in the past, and you want to bring up a 30 year old bout with depression? That was successfully treated?

Dan Patrick is no longer depressed. Ambassador Stevens is still dead.

Fucking hypocrite. You disappoint me, Assup.
The Texas election commercials are comical.....listening to Patrick accuse David Dewhurst of being an "Obama liberal". And then, like of the rest of the GOP bullshit we all see and hear these days, they hit the major points:

1. Hate all immigrants.

2. Make sure women don't have a choice.

3. Make damn sure we all have enough assault rifles, 30 round mags and ammo.

4. Be a Christian and a defender of the Constitution. Or, at least the Constitution as the knuckledraggers see it.

5. Oh, and hate all immigrants.

I see it's being reported that Patrick underwent treatment for a psychiatric disorder on the Dallas Morning News as of an hour ago. Gee, I wonder who went and dug up that information?
Statistics show that one in five Americans will suffer with depression sometime during their lifetime. We have Obama, Biden, Holden, Pelosi and Hillary Clinton pick one, lol.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
The Texas election commercials are comical.....listening to Patrick accuse David Dewhurst of being an "Obama liberal". And then, like of the rest of the GOP bullshit we all see and hear these days, they hit the major points:

1. Hate all immigrants.

2. Make sure women don't have a choice.

3. Make damn sure we all have enough assault rifles, 30 round mags and ammo.

4. Be a Christian and a defender of the Constitution. Or, at least the Constitution as the knuckledraggers see it.

5. Oh, and hate all immigrants.

I see it's being reported that Patrick underwent treatment for a psychiatric disorder on the Dallas Morning News as of an hour ago. Gee, I wonder who went and dug up that information? Originally Posted by timpage
There are probably plenty of reasons to vote against Patrick. Leave his past illnesses alone.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
He declared bAnkruptcy also, at least once. Does he get a pass on that, too?
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Its also been reported that he's had financial problems, didn't pay his taxes, and has been sued for a number reasons. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I don't know who Dan Patrick is or his mental state, but he didn't pay his taxes? That really doesn't seem to much of an issue for the left.

Prior to his nomination, Tim Geithner had to pay up $42,000 in back taxes before being confirmed as Treasury Secretary, and he

1) Illegally failed to pay more than $34,000 in social security and medicare taxes

2) Illegally declared the cost of his children’s summer camp as a form of day care.

3) Illegally failed to pay the early withdrawal penalty when he took money out of his retirement plan
4) Illegally declared non-eligible items as a charitable deduction
5) Illegally declared something which was ineligible as a small business deduction
6) Illegally declared utility expenses which had actually been for his personal use

36 other Administration Aides owe more than $800,000 in back taxes

Obama nominated tax cheat Tom Daschle to be Secretary of Health and Human Services.

After Daschle said he didn’t want the job, Obama then nominated tax cheat Kathleen Sebelius for the same position.

Obama nominated tax cheat Nancy Killefer to be his administration’s Chief Performance Officer at OMB.

Obama nominated tax cheat Hilda Solis to be the Secretary of Labor.

Obama also nominated tax cheat Ron Kirk be the White House Chief Trade Representative.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
He declared bAnkruptcy also, at least once. Does he get a pass on that, too? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I wonder if you'd be so hard on him if he was a liberal. Didn't think so. Fucking hypocrite.

Obama used and distributed illegal drugs when he was younger. Guess that's ok with you. Fucking hypocrite.

Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 05-17-2014, 04:08 AM
Fucking libtards bitching, unless it's another libtard.
Since I have lived in Houstom just about my entire Life, I well remember when Dan Patrick came on the scene.

Let's just say he has matured through the years.

I do not like his social politics. He interjects far too much religious thinking into what is a secular system. He has a right to believe anything he wishes, and to worship his God as he sees. But that should not be interjected into running the State of Texas.

But I will vote for him, because we have had enough of David Dewhurst. And regardless of what you think of his beliefs, Patrick does give the conservative agenda more than simple lip service.
One RINO at a time!
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I am not voting for DP and am letting everyone know they should not. He is a Nazi in search of power. Bad bad choice.
I would gladly take DD over DP .
DP would be extremely bad for Texas.
He would believe in a theocracy above all else.
I am not bothered by the fact that DP has a distant history of emotional problems. Those things can be corrected and there appears to be no reason to believe that he still has emotional concerns. I sincerely hope that his emotional problems are behind him and I wish him well, at least in that regard.

However, I am bothered by his extreme political rhetoric. From a political point of view DP is a walking/talking basket case. I personally would not even vote for him to be the Dog Catcher.

DP for Lite Gov is totally out of the question! If IBIdiot and DP were the only two on the ballot, I would probably consider voting for IBIdiot.

On 2nd thought, I would not even bother to vote in that election!
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-17-2014, 09:39 AM
I don't know about his politics at all, but assuming you are talking about the national sports talk Dan Patrick then I would definitely be concerned about some of his theocracy leanings. Knew him from his Dayton OH time and he is a nut job in some areas.
I don't know about his politics at all, but assuming you are talking about the national sports talk Dan Patrick then I would definitely be concerned about some of his theocracy leanings. Knew him from his Dayton OH time and he is a nut job in some areas. Originally Posted by Old-T
Not the same at all, the national sports talk Dan Patrick is a rational analyst when compared to the Texas Lite Gov candidate.

Dan Patrick makes Rush Slimebaugh look like a bleeding heart liberal!

Yes, DP is that bad! Slight correction: he's worse!!!!!