
This is a question for both providers and hobbyists how long would you wait for somebody if they're running late not 15 mins late but 1 maybe 2 hrs late but they still contact you to tell you they're still coming would it be rude to just say you know what I can't wait for you anymore I got to get going
hell no its not rude!! that's a big waste of time and very inconsiderate to do that. now I understand car trouble, traffic, or whatever. but that's ridiculous.
ForeignPlaytoy's Avatar
I have gotten held up on 35 before coming from Dallas. I always make sure I let any gents know.
I also understand if they choose to reschedule or cancel.
I feel that poor planning is no excuse, but construction or an accident on the highway.... possibly :-)
very true! especially that 635 at 5am....LOL
If it's more than 15-20 minutes, I don't think it is rude at all to say "I'm sorry, 7:00 doesn't work for me." That's simply a fact, often true in my case. Of course, it WOULD be rude to say "I'm tired of waiting for your ass!"
This question should normally be avoided I think. SpanishMami posted above, so let's use her as an example. Let's say hher trip to Bryan / College Station were delayed tomorrow. If she had an appointment with a gent right when she planned to get into town, she'd probably call them from WACO, letting the gent know ahead of time "I'm running an hour and a half late. Would you like to reschedule?". I can't think of many two hour delays that you can't know about until the appointment time.
knotty man's Avatar
7 min and 38 sec.
then fuck em
Buckskin's Avatar
On the O'clock for this cock.
You're so fine, be on time and you'll be mine.
7 min 39 sec ( I have more patients then some folks )
knotty man's Avatar
lol. its not lack of patience.
once i get to the incall:
1st) i let her know im there
2nd) check the donation, i keep it in my front pocket away from my wallet
3rd) while im doing that, what the hell. i start feeling my balls
4th) that leads to a lil chubby
5th) becomes an all out tug of war with my dick
6th) BLAM! its over. 7 min. 39 sec elapsed
ive ruined so many steering wheel covers and dash mats
Buckskin's Avatar
lol. its not lack of patience.
once i get to the incall:
1st) i let her know im there
2nd) check the donation, i keep it in my front pocket away from my wallet
3rd) while im doing that, what the hell. i start feeling my balls
4th) that leads to a lil chubby
5th) becomes an all out tug of war with my dick
6th) BLAM! its over. 7 min. 39 sec elapsed
ive ruined so many steering wheel covers and dash mats Originally Posted by knotty man
I just cracked a f'ing rib!
Ok maybe it's just me maybe I'm just too nice don't want to come off like a rude asshole for canceling but I understand what y'all are saying cause you're not really sure if they had any intention of showing up or not especially when they start making excuses
I would of been mad
red headed cougar's Avatar
Omg Knotty you are a riot and add Buckskin reactions to you Ya'll have me in tears laughing so hard.