Memorial Weekend

Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
What is everyone doing this weekend?
I got my back yard cleaned, mowed and pool up. Going to spend the weekend laying in the pool getting a tan.
On the grassy knoll overlooking the pool with binoculars ogling the Lady getting tanned.
Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
On the grassy knoll overlooking the pool with binoculars ogling the Lady getting tanned. Originally Posted by borisbaggins
You don't have to use binoculars just open the gate and come on in.
Family stuff. Graduation, out of town relatives. No play time. Sigh.
burkalini's Avatar
Vegas Baby!!!
Motorcycle trip to west central Nebraska to visit my parents' graves, and also visit the graves of some of my classmates (class of 1965) that weren't as lucky as me in regard to making it back from that little Southeast Asia trip that some of us took. Long motorcycle rides are great for clearing the mind and cleansing soul.
BBQ, sex, BBQ, sex, concert, BBQ, sex and a trip out of town to my family's private cemetery to lay sage and blessed tobacco.
12blue4u's Avatar
can i play pool?
shrike's Avatar
trip to K.C to visit family...

It will be good to see the brother and his brood.
Well, I'm changing my plans and going to Elena's. Have you seen how much ... BBQ... she's having this weekend before going out of town? Mmmmmmmm......BBQ......
shrike's Avatar
Although a pool party in Lincoln with a certain fine lady beats the hell out of going to K.C.!!!
Well, I'm changing my plans and going to Elena's. Have you seen how much ... BBQ... she's having this weekend before going out of town? Mmmmmmmm......BBQ...... Originally Posted by scarletp


I started to get some of the meat ready tonight. I have a special sauce that I let the meat slide into.......errr, I mean marinate in.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Two grills and a smoker ready to fire up. Bar restocked. Kids over Sat.
4 legged friends and poker at the barns on Sun after checking gear for the summer road trips.
Fire up the grills again Mon.
burkalini's Avatar
Sitting in my room in Vegas at the Bellagio waiting on my first session then poker. Life is good.