Stupid Fuckers Falling for Minimum Wage

JohnnyCap's Avatar
It takes about half an hour, if that, for Daddy Warbucks to flex his muscles and recoup his expenses for raising a minimum wage. Fire a few folks, raise a few prices and by lunch the accountants will be at a three martini blowjob lunch, celebrating their continued prosperity.

It takes much longer for the sucker at minimum wage to realize the raise made no difference in an ability to pay the bills.

A minimum wage is ineffective without a corresponding maximum wage.

Maximum wage! Start picketing for a maximum wage!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Okay, you didn't take any business classes we see. Your attack on Daddy Warbucks shows that. What about the franchise owner who's profit margin is about 5%. Raising wages (for no increase in productivity) will wipeout that margin unless the price of the final product is raised. Raising the cost of the product drives away business which means less profit. Eventually the small franchises die and you're left with the big places that can move assets (and profits) from one part of the country to another.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
Okay, you didn't take any business classes we see. Your attack on Daddy Warbucks shows that. What about the franchise owner who's profit margin is about 5%. Raising wages (for no increase in productivity) will wipeout that margin unless the price of the final product is raised. Raising the cost of the product drives away business which means less profit. Eventually the small franchises die and you're left with the big places that can move assets (and profits) from one part of the country to another. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
First of all, I called the minimum wage supporters the stupid fuckers, not Daddy. Didn't attack him just yet. What about the franchise owner? He's already bought into Daddy's plan by buying a franchise. So he's fucked regardless. And then it seems like you're arguing against minimum wage, which is what I started the thread doing, which might indicate while I'm still in business class, you're stuck in remedial reading, but that's only using your analogy. What fucking good is business class anyway?

The small franchises are dying.

A minimum wage will not work. Bring on a maximum!
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
I just went to see a movie tonight with family. The concession stand had a long line, and the bastard fuckers charged me 13 dollars for a drink and chicken strips. Same fucking shit would cost 6 dollars at Cane's so the motherfuckers running the Cinema can afford to pay 15 bucks an hour.
Why do I want 15 bucks an hour when I know it will hurt business? Cause motherfuckers shouldn't be paying people 7 bucks an hour and charging me double for chicken strips, that's why!!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Was it The Hulk? You sure seem angry tonight, ass kicker!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
First of all, I called the minimum wage supporters the stupid fuckers, not Daddy. Didn't attack him just yet. What about the franchise owner? He's already bought into Daddy's plan by buying a franchise. So he's fucked regardless. And then it seems like you're arguing against minimum wage, which is what I started the thread doing, which might indicate while I'm still in business class, you're stuck in remedial reading, but that's only using your analogy. What fucking good is business class anyway?

The small franchises are dying.

A minimum wage will not work. Bring on a maximum! Originally Posted by JohnnyCap
Yes, I saw that little quote on CNN by a educator and not a business person. Less than 1% of the people work for a true minimum wage and after about 3 months they don't even do that. That is the usual grace period to see how you perform your duties. If I think that you are....really, your writing is very poor. When writing for academia you have to announce the subject in every sentence so that no one is confused. If you have confused people then you failed to write correctly.

I can make it simple, I am against a minimum wage. Too few people benefit and many unworthy people do benefit. It costs jobs and, ask yourself this, if the minimum wage is such a slam dunk then why didn't the democrats do it in 2009 or 2010 when they controlled all branches of government. Another question you can ask yourself, if what Nancy Pelosi says is true (the minimum wage helps the economy) then why aren't they trying to double it or triple it?
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 05-27-2014, 04:16 AM
First of all, I called the minimum wage supporters the stupid fuckers, Originally Posted by JohnnyCap
Gee, thanks.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
How to earn more money and keep Democrat.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Was it The Hulk? You sure seem angry tonight, ass kicker! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
How can anyone who remembers how America used to be not be angry?
LexusLover's Avatar
How can anyone who remembers how America used to be not be angry? Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
They were angry when America was the way it used to be!

You can't please all of the people all of them time and ....

..... you can't please some folks none of the time.

Obaminable is "fixing" the minimum wage thingy for "underprivileged children."

It's the "Jesse Jackson War on Poverty" theory.

Summer jobs cleaning up public parks while school is out at minimum wage.

"Broom/Rake Ready" jobs on the taxpayers' tit.
If the State wanted to raise the wages of working men and women, they wouldn't be letting illegals come into this country, giving them sanctuary, benefits and education, and now amnesty !

The US Chamber of Commerce, the Democrats and establishment GOP don't give a fuck about working men and women in America.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
If the State wanted to raise the wages of working men and women, they wouldn't be letting illegals come into this country, giving them sanctuary, benefits and education, and now amnesty !

The US Chamber of Commerce, the Democrats and establishment GOP don't give a fuck about working men and women in America. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Amen to that brother...I think a higher minimum wage might actually reduce the need for illegal immigrants..
LexusLover's Avatar
Amen to that brother...I think a higher minimum wage might actually reduce the need for illegal immigrants. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
How is that?
They were angry when America was the way it used to be!

You can't please all of the people all of them time and ....

..... you can't please some folks none of the time.

Obaminable is "fixing" the minimum wage thingy for "underprivileged children."

It's the "Jesse Jackson War on Poverty" theory.

Summer jobs cleaning up public parks while school is out at minimum wage.

"Broom/Rake Ready" jobs on the taxpayers' tit. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Yeah but the problem with this is way to many people just want the "Tit' they want nothing to do with the broom or the Rake. Now they will take the shovel from time to time, just to shovel the shit right back at ya, lol.

I would support a $15 minimum wage law; but only if the Democrats committed to kicking out ALL ILLEGALS, STOPPING SANCTUARY CITIES, AND ENFORCING OUR BORDERS AND LAWS !

Amen to that brother...I think a higher minimum wage might actually reduce the need for illegal immigrants.. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer