screening section of ECCIE

  • Holly
  • 09-30-2010, 11:06 AM
Is it just me or do yall wish ECCIE had a screening section like P411?? I get emails from ECCIE guys but no way of screening them quickly...just a thought
I don't know if the private provider section of ECCIE has OK's on guy's handles/numbers or what... that sure would be handy in my opinion.
pyramider's Avatar
The icky would probably need to relocate its servers to foreign land.
  • Holly
  • 10-05-2010, 03:51 PM
The icky would probably need to relocate its servers to foreign land. Originally Posted by pyramider
Good point....didnt think about that....
LazurusLong's Avatar
Anyone who relies on an ECCIE handle for screening needs to go read the threads about how CK1492's social got infiltrated by ASPD handles of providers and clients when in fact they were all four VICE COPS!

P411 and ECCIE handles are nothing but partial tools in the screening process. All it takes if for one cop to have access to reviews and he can post his own fake reviews of any provider he wants to build up board cred. If a provider looks at a handle and says, wow, he has 15 reviews he must be OK and that is it, 99% of the time she'll be OK but that 1% will nail ya.

From everything I have heard, the local police aren't looking to nail individual clients or escorts. They DO want the pimps and those who are involved in other things that we cannot talk about because they are breaking Federal laws.

Over on they have a special feature that is assigned to guys that have been personally verified by the staff. You will not get that particular status unless and until you have been screened not just by providers who have seen you but also by senior staff members and believe me, they screen for that "Label" much closer than any social is screened and more than the tightest screening any provider does.
Is it just me or do yall wish ECCIE had a screening section like P411?? I get emails from ECCIE guys but no way of screening them quickly...just a thought Originally Posted by Holly
Holly, That's a great idea!
Being able to see the instant oks from ladies would be such a time saver.

TheEroticReview has a "White List" feature where a gentleman can ask a provider to give him an ok after their date, just like P411.

Whereas here, there's no way to know if a lady has seen a gentleman without having to contact her. Her response can take days or sometimes never happens.

Some ladies retire, go on vacation, or don't remember the hobbyist. The oks they gave right after the date would be visible and remain.

yes, the Houston party was infiltrated, but that was because new hobbyists were reviewing new providers and then they were all vouching for each other. When a gentleman gives me providers to use as references, I check the ladies out to see how established they are and who their reviewers were too.
  • Holly
  • 10-07-2010, 02:53 PM
Holly, That's a great idea!
Being able to see the instant oks from ladies would be such a time saver.

TheEroticReview has a "White List" feature where a gentleman can ask a provider to give him an ok after their date, just like P411.

Whereas here, there's no way to know if a lady has seen a gentleman without having to contact her. Her response can take days or sometimes never happens.

Some ladies retire, go on vacation, or don't remember the hobbyist. The oks they gave right after the date would be visible and remain.

yes, the Houston party was infiltrated, but that was because new hobbyists were reviewing new providers and then they were all vouching for each other. When a gentleman gives me providers to use as references, I check the ladies out to see how established they are and who their reviewers were too. Originally Posted by HoneyRose
Thats what I'm saying...screening takes sooooooooo long sometimes. Hope everyone has a great weekend.....GO COWBOYS and Rangers ...and every other team in Dallas...lots going on this weekend!!! LOL
If a hobbyist has been on the board for awhile and has several reviews does the screening process really need to be that intense? I know safety is a primary concern for the ladies. but if a guy has reviews and no alerts in the lady's powder room is there really a concern about screening?
Iaintliein's Avatar
bigbob makes a good point. A review history should count for something. I think I had something like 13 on the old sight, but even let P411 lapse due to lack of use since the economic crash. But for the guys who have the ability to go out and enjoy and write reviews, I think that in itself should be taken into consideration.

Ze does make a point also. When I joined P411 I didn't realize that the home town and pin number needed to be on a form of id the lady could look at. I picked the town I was born in (which of course isn't on my driver's licence). Fortunately, the one time a lady asked to check (DallasDani) I had my passport with me. That's probably the only thing the sweet lady remembers about me, it was the first passport she had seen.

I was going to ask the same question Holly. Great minds think alike