NoTell Vs Vanessa…

As some of you may know I am a super sweet person, Now I am being called stupid and disrespectful because I didn't see a client the other day. I am not the type to cancel appointments and no call no show. If something comes up I will let you know way in advance If it does which things do happen. Me and NoTell have been back in fourth messaging each other trying to schedule and appt every since I came to Louisiana. The other day I happened to be in the town that he is located and I told him that I wanted to see him while I was in the area. We had scheduled to see each other in the morning but never confirmed a time. I called him at almost 7am to tell him I had to leave town because I didn't feel good which was true, just because a person says that they are sick doesn't mean that they have to stay sick forever. I just didn't feel great that morning…Who wants to see someone when you are sick….He has constantly been harassing me every since. I was going to reschedule with him but I refuse to know after the mean text messages that he has been sending me.